A 5 and 3 year old limit out on SNAPPERS
Июль 02, 2019 Marathon 1 фото
Snapper (Lane)
Краснохвостый луциан
Snapper (Yellowtail)
Желтохвостый луциан
Snapper (Mangrove)
Серый луциан

Описание тура

How cute they where and so excited. Begging their parents to go fishing again tomorrow! Mangroves where furious this afternoon! Sure we can catch mahi, groupers, tuna etx. But I will never pass up on a trip like this. SMILES and Memories
Gregory Fabrizzi
Marathon, Florida, United States
Manicsportfishing 31 foot Cabin A/C Bathroom thumbnail
BATHROOM AND AIR CONDITIONING Come aboard Manicsportfishing and join the crew for an adventure that will see you exploring the plentiful waters of Marathon. Their FL captain prides himself on offering a charter that is based on relationships – there...

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