4 species
Июль 10, 2019 Le Morne 2 фото
Tuna (Yellowfin)
Тунец (желтоперый)
Ваху (колючая пеламида)
Dolphin (Mahi Mahi)
Корифена (махи-махи)
Tuna (Skipjack)
Малый тунец (полосатый)

Описание тура

With reports from the previous day not being very promising we hoped for luck.One boat had earlier come across a piece of rope drifting and caught a wahoo and 2 dorados.We headed to that area and after half an hour of searching we spotted the floating rope and managed to catch 2 Wahoos,1dorado and 3 yellowfin tuna.We lost a nice fish as well.On the way back we caught 2 skipjacks to the delight of our customers Mr Nick and his wife.
Billy Lamarque
Le-morne, Mauritius
Billfish thumbnail
Have you ever dreamed of reeling in a Billfish in the pearlescent waters of Mauritius, but you aren’t a die-hard angler with decades of fishing experience? Your dream is a reality with Billfish! Captain Billy Lamarque will put you on the most presti...

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