Рыбалка - Канада

Мы нашли самые интересные предложения из 280 туров в Канада -–введите свои даты и посмотрите

Топ Канада направлений

Канада: 280 туров доступно
4.9 / 5
(34 reviews)
4.9 / 5
(21 reviews)
4.9 / 5
(82 reviews)
4.9 / 5
(62 reviews)
4.9 / 5
(57 reviews)
4.9 / 5
(43 reviews)
4.9 / 5
(62 reviews)
Западный Ванкувер
4.9 / 5
(8 reviews)
4.8 / 5
(25 reviews)
4.9 / 5
(27 reviews)

Frequently Asked Questions about Fishing Charters in Canada

The average price for a private 4 hour Canada fishing trip is US $471, while an 8 hour private trip will cost you US $814 based on prices on FishingBooker.com.

Fishing charters in Canada that received great reviews from families are:

The top 3 fish species targeted on guided fishing trips in Canada are:

The top 3 fishing techniques in Canada are:

The top 3 types of fishing in Canada are:

Many fishing charters in Canada provide rods, reels and tackle. Some of the top rated are:

According to customer reviews on FishingBooker.com, some of the best rated charter captains in Canada are:

Who are the top awarded captains in Canada?

Some of the fishing trips offered by fishing charters in Canada are:
  • 2-hour fishing trips – US $318
  • 4-hour fishing trips – US $595
  • 5-hour fishing trips – US $758
  • 6-hour fishing trips – US $750
  • 8-hour fishing trips – US $1,080
  • 10-hour fishing trips – US $1,350
  • 13-hour fishing trips – US $1,500

Fishing in Канада

Любой знаток рыбалки скажет вам, что акватория Канады неимоверно богата рыбными ресурсами. Ее побережья омываются сразу тремя океанами – Тихим, Северно-Ледовитым и Атлантическим, – а тысячи рек и озер скрыты в необитаемых лесах. Хрустальные воды горных реки здесь полны лососями и гольцами, озера кишат окунями и щуками, а арктические воды океанов позволят ощутить всю мощь подводных хищников.

Рыбалка в Канаде позволит вам насладиться каменными окунями, которые караулят подводные глубины, а также треской, гигантскими палтусами и зубастыми терпугами. Канада – передовой центр морской и пресноводной рыбалки.

Рыбалка в озерах и реках Канады

Исследуйте северо-запад страны и округ Британская Колумбия, где близость Тихого океана наложила отпечаток на характеры рек. Познакомьтесь с озерами провинции Манитоба или отправьтесь в Новую Шотландию за тунцом. Остановитесь в комфортабельном доме у рек или озер, оцените все рыбацкие места Онтарио, озер Тимагами и Ниписсинг, потрясающего курорта Бакхорна, озера в Манитоба и Французской реки. Попробуйте свои силы в подледной рыбалке. Едва ли в мире найдется второе такое место, как Канада!

Белый осетр

Трофейная ловля огромного белого осетра в Канаде позволит вам открыть для себя эту прекрасную страну с новой стороны. Даже самый искушенный рыболов не сможет отказать себе в удовольствии насладиться ловлей этих громадных рыб, ведь белый осетр может достигать до трех метров в длину, что вовсе не предел!

Рыбалка в Канаде на белого осетра проходит в донных слоях водоемов с использованием животной наживки, такой как мясо чавычи и нерки. Эти пресноводные гиганты находятся под тщательной охраной: насладившись поистине элитной рыбалкой, всего пойманного осетра необходимо будет отпустить обратно в воду.


Рыбалка на чавычу в Канаде не менее интересна, чем ловля белого осетра. Начать охоту на королевского лосося можно с Аляски в июне, а продолжить уже в Канаде: так вам удастся насладиться пиком рыбалки на самого крупного лосося на свете. Ловятся эти серебристые особи на донную снасть.


Рыбалка на щуку-маскинонг, настоящего трофея и активного хищника, легко приведет в восторг даже самого требовательного профессионала. Эта пресноводное сокровище обитает в крупных реках и озерах, а встретить эту щуку можно лишь на юге Канады и севере США.

Поймать эту самую крупную щуку в мире можно как на спиннинг, так и на донные снасти – все зависит от места, в котором вы рыбачите.

...и даже больше!

Пресноводная рыбалка в Канаде не ограничивается лососем, щукой и осетром. Из вод водоемов по всей стране можно достать настоящие сокровища!

Рыбалка в Британской Колумбии или Юконе на нахлыст или длинный морской спиннинг может окончиться таким уловом, как нерка и палтус. С мая по декабрь там же ловится кета и кижуч. С середины весны до середину осени можно отправиться в Квебек, Онтарио или Манитобу за американским гольцом или за его арктическим братом, который клюет до декабря. За радужной или озерной форелью можно охотиться везде, но только с апреля по октябрь, а вот кумжа ловится вообще круглый год.

Морская рыбалка в Канаде

Морская рыбалка в Канаде ничем не уступает пресноводной. Условия для ловли здесь схожи с Аляской, что значит только одно: у каждого рыболова есть возможность встретиться с морским окунем, огромными палтусами и терпугами. Отдельное место среди потенциального морского улова занимает тихоокеанский лосось, которого здесь ловят недалеко от устьев рек – именно в море есть шанс поймать самых сильных лососей! Однако безусловным трофеем морских вод Канады по праву считается голубой тунец.

Рыбалка в море на тунца в Канаде проходит с июля до начала ноября во время миграции тунца вдоль полуострова Новая Шотландия. Голубой тунец передвигается огромными косяками, а отдельные особи могут достигать 350 килограммов; поймать их на спиннинг - настоящая удача для любого рыболова.

Рыбачить в Канаде можно и на небольших расстояниях от берега. Местные капитаны постоянно мониторят миграции тунца и всегда знают, где находится самое “рыбное” место.

Правила и положения

Before casting a line in Canada, you’ll need to purchase a fishing license. These differ depending on which state or province you’re fishing in, so check with the relevant authority to get yours. Regulations on bag and size limits, as well as special permits for certain species also vary. That’s why we suggest heading out with a Canada fishing guide, who’ll keep you on the right side of the law. 
4.8 / 5
На основе 28578 отзывов клиентов FishingBooker

Канада – сезоны

Начало года - отличное время для рыбалки в Канаде. Королевский лосось появляется в Виктории, а подледная рыбалка в Онтарио обещает озерную форель.
Если вы уже успели насладиться подленой рыбалкой, попробуйте порыбачить на крабов или познакомиться с рыбалкой в нахлыст на радужную форель.
Форель и светлоперый судак могут стать вашей главной задачей на февраль. Исследуйте местные воды с опытным гидом!
Рыбаки вовсю оккупируют большие озера в Онтарио и многих других городах, нацеливаясь на щуку.
Сезон лосося набирает обороты по всей стране! Ловят сейчас атлантического и королевского лососей.
Так как погода с каждым днем становится все лучше, многие рыбацкие судна отправляются в море за лососем, палтусом и окунем.
Середина лета - лучшее время для рыбалки на осетра, особенно на реке Фрейзер. К слову, щука тоже активно клюет на востоке страны.
Остров Ванкувер - лучшее место для рыбалки на кету, кижуча, горбушу и другие виды рыб.
Сезон голубого тунца в самом разгаре в открытом море, особенно если вы рыбачите в Новой Шотландии и на Острове Принца Эдуарда.
Северная часть страны занята рыбалкой на голубого тунца и крабов, а радужную форель можно поймать в реках по всей Канаде.
Зима уже за порогом, поэтому многие рыбаки отправляются к рекам в поисках радужной форели.
В декабре - отличное время наладиться подледной рыбалкой или исследовать реки поменьше.

Канада Календарь рыболова

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Рыбалка – Канада – что говорят?

When fishing in Calgary for the first time definitely recommend getting a guide who knows the area so you aren't wasting time figuring out places/lures to use to catch fish in the area.
5.0 / 5
When fishing in Calgary for the first time definitely recommend getting a guide who knows the area so you aren't wasting time figuring out places/lures to use to catch fish in the area.
River People Guides
River People Guides
Not a lot of fishing boats out, so hardly any competition. We were able to catch our limit for the day. I am sure if we stayed out longer we could have got Halibut as well, since the other boat did in the same area.
5.0 / 5
Not a lot of fishing boats out, so hardly any competition. We were able to catch our limit for the day. I am sure if we stayed out longer we could have got Halibut as well, since the other boat did in the same area.
Tofino Ocean Adventures
Tofino Ocean Adventures
Be prepared for unpredictable weather changes and be ready to roll with what may be presented to you.
5.0 / 5
Be prepared for unpredictable weather changes and be ready to roll with what may be presented to you.
Full Melt Charters
Full Melt Charters
We couldn’t have gotten a more perfect day! Sun was shining, wasn’t too windy, fish were biting! We definitely over prepared but never know what to expect with being on the water
5.0 / 5
We couldn’t have gotten a more perfect day! Sun was shining, wasn’t too windy, fish were biting! We definitely over prepared but never know what to expect with being on the water
Rising Tide Coastal Adventures
Rising Tide Coastal Adventures
Opt for a seasoned local guide like Captain Scott in Ucluelet who knows the area well. His expertise can make a significant difference, ensuring you have a successful and enjoyable first fishing trip. Ucluelet’s weather can be unpredictable. Dressing in layers ensures you stay comfortable throughout the day. Pack the essentials, be patient and enjoy the experience!
5.0 / 5
Opt for a seasoned local guide like Captain Scott in Ucluelet who knows the area well. His expertise can make a significant difference, ensuring you have a successful and enjoyable first fishing trip. Ucluelet’s weather can be unpredictable. Dressing in layers ensures you stay comfortable throughout the day. Pack the essentials, be patient and enjoy the experience!
Oceans West Adventures
Oceans West Adventures
Contact the captain first, and he’ll give you all the information needed to include flexibility for weather.
5.0 / 5
Contact the captain first, and he’ll give you all the information needed to include flexibility for weather.
Niagara Fish Assassins Sportfishing
Niagara Fish Assassins Sportfishing
Its worth the effort to travel here...beautiful setting, plentiful fish and not overly commercialized
5.0 / 5
Its worth the effort to travel here...beautiful setting, plentiful fish and not overly commercialized
Sooke Salmon Charters
Sooke Salmon Charters
The captain admitted that the fishing is better prior to October but we had plenty of action.
5.0 / 5
The captain admitted that the fishing is better prior to October but we had plenty of action.
Northwest Saltwater Adventures
Northwest Saltwater Adventures
If you want a bigger catch you should check the dates of when you can keep the wild salmon.
5.0 / 5
If you want a bigger catch you should check the dates of when you can keep the wild salmon.
Full Melt Charters
Full Melt Charters
Book a charter that is able to assist you in fishing for the fish species you are targeting and have fun.
5.0 / 5
Book a charter that is able to assist you in fishing for the fish species you are targeting and have fun.
Peninsula Charters
Peninsula Charters Vancouver, British Columbia
Price was good for 5 hours. Lots of experience and Willing to answer questions. Book halibut full day so boat can travel to better Halibut options.
5.0 / 5
Price was good for 5 hours. Lots of experience and Willing to answer questions. Book halibut full day so boat can travel to better Halibut options.
Rising Tide Coastal Adventures
Rising Tide Coastal Adventures Didsbury, AB
Dress appropriately and bring gloves. It can get cold out there. Also a rain jacket and hat since there’s no roof on the boat.
5.0 / 5
Dress appropriately and bring gloves. It can get cold out there. Also a rain jacket and hat since there’s no roof on the boat.
Campbell's Deep Sea Fishing
Campbell's Deep Sea Fishing St. John's, Newfoundland And Labrador
I did not see a lot of other boats catching a lot of fish. Few fish per boat. However, we limited with Full Melt Charters in less than 2 hours. Definitely go with this guy!
5.0 / 5
I did not see a lot of other boats catching a lot of fish. Few fish per boat. However, we limited with Full Melt Charters in less than 2 hours. Definitely go with this guy!
Full Melt Charters
Full Melt Charters Brush Prairie, WA
Make sure to only book Phantom Fishing with Captain Frank and First Mate John!!
5.0 / 5
Make sure to only book Phantom Fishing with Captain Frank and First Mate John!!
Phantom Sportfishing – Oakville
Phantom Sportfishing – Oakville Pillager, MN
Bring a big cooler for all the fish you will be catching - they helped us pack up the fish and we got it all home without making a mess in my car but it would have been easier if I thought to bring my big cooler.
5.0 / 5
Bring a big cooler for all the fish you will be catching - they helped us pack up the fish and we got it all home without making a mess in my car but it would have been easier if I thought to bring my big cooler.
Tips Up Sport Fishing Charters
Tips Up Sport Fishing Charters Victoria, BC
Book the trip with Bob only! You will be satisfied with this. Don't forget to buy a Licence for fishing!
5.0 / 5
Book the trip with Bob only! You will be satisfied with this. Don't forget to buy a Licence for fishing!
Salmon Catcher Charters Toronto Ontario
Salmon Catcher Charters Toronto Ontario Toronto, ON
Not sure what the best time to fish in the Parksville area is but mid-August seemed to be pretty good.
5.0 / 5
Not sure what the best time to fish in the Parksville area is but mid-August seemed to be pretty good.
Rugged West Coast Sport Fishing
Rugged West Coast Sport Fishing Seattle, WA
Outstanding unbelievable fishing trip of a lifetime. Massive chinook salmon.
5.0 / 5
Outstanding unbelievable fishing trip of a lifetime. Massive chinook salmon.
Last Chance Fishing Adventures
Last Chance Fishing Adventures Overland Park, KS
The coastline is protected a bit by small rock islands which reduced the swells. We also go to see some sealions nearby.
5.0 / 5
The coastline is protected a bit by small rock islands which reduced the swells. We also go to see some sealions nearby.
Peninsula Charters
Peninsula Charters Burlington, Ontario
Excellent was as busy as we could’ve hoped! So glad we made the trip from tofino
5.0 / 5
Excellent was as busy as we could’ve hoped! So glad we made the trip from tofino
Kootenay Kingfisher – Salmon and Halibut
Kootenay Kingfisher – Salmon and Halibut Canada

How did anglers rate fishing charters in Канада?

Reel Time Fishing Charters & Marine Tours
Reel Time Fishing Charters & Marine Tours
Fishing charter in Nanaimo
5.0 / 5
(110 reviews)
We had a lot of fun with Captain Andrew! We caught some really nice fish and the captain knew exactly where to find them 😊 There was plenty of space on the boat and Andrew also gave us some information about fish stocks, the surrounding area and history 😊 Highly recommended!
Carsten  M.
Carsten M.
Amazing Fishing Charters
Amazing Fishing Charters
Fishing charter in Richmond
5.0 / 5
(44 reviews)
Captain Ivan was fantastic! He put us right on the fish. Several double hook-ups and a few triples! I think the longest we went without a bite was 15 minutes. An amazing day, looking forward to booking again in September for the big ones!
Sheryl  C.
Sheryl C.
Reel 'Em In Fishing Charters
Reel 'Em In Fishing Charters
Fishing charter in The Blue Mountains
5.0 / 5
(14 reviews)
Had a really awesome trip with Dave out on the lake in amazing weather. Caught really nice Lake Trout. Thanks a lot for a great trip!
Vidar  S.
Vidar S.
PWC Salmon Angler
PWC Salmon Angler
Fishing charter in Campbell River
4.7 / 5
(11 reviews)
We had a lot of fun with Captain Marc and caught some nice fish 😊 Various snacks and drinks were also on board, so all in all we were well looked after!
Carsten  M.
Carsten M.
Mongoose Striker Fishing Charters
Mongoose Striker Fishing Charters
Fishing charter in West Vancouver
5.0 / 5
(62 reviews)
We had a great time with captain Scott. He was able to accommodate us at an earlier time so we could catch our flight. He was fund and nice to get to know. We couldn't have asked for a better boat: 4 down riggers, multiple fish finders, nice rods and it was clean and organized all around. Will definitely be my first choice next time I'm in town looking to go fishing.
Kevin  C.
Kevin C.
River People Guides
River People Guides
Fishing charter in Calgary
5.0 / 5
(22 reviews)
Osman is extremely knowledge of both of the Bow River and fly fishing techniques. Being fairly new to fly fishing he was able to quickly demonstrate to us proper casting/mending methods to quickly get us onto fish and throughout the day we were able to hook and land multiple trout. The scenery on the river was also amazing and there was plenty of wildlife. Will definitely be booking another trip with Osman when we come back to visit Calgary!
Tyler  A.
Tyler A.
Rising Tide Coastal Adventures
Rising Tide Coastal Adventures
Fishing charter in Sooke
5.0 / 5
(25 reviews)
Don was an awesome, friendly, and knowledgeable guide. The boat and gear are in great shape and well maintained. We unfortunately didn't catch any fish, but the season was a bit off for Halibut, Pacific Salmon were closed and new lingcod restrictions meant we couldn't fish in the same spot for both. We did however catch crab and pulled some prawn traps that were plentiful and got to keep the catch as well. We were not disappointed it was a great afternoon! Would recommend.
Gwen  H.
Gwen H.
Mongoose Striker Fishing Charters
Mongoose Striker Fishing Charters
Fishing charter in West Vancouver
5.0 / 5
(62 reviews)
Captain Scott was informative, helpful, and a great fountain of trivia about the area. Prompt communication on booking as well.
Ethan  J.
Ethan J.
Full Melt Charters
Full Melt Charters
Fishing charter in Sooke
5.0 / 5
(57 reviews)
Wayne took myself and 3 friends out for a full day of fishing. Had a successful day and Wayne was a ton of fun! Great guy to have leading a charter. None of us were experienced with ocean fishing and he did a great job teaching. I’d absolutely recommend booking with him!
Paul  R.
Paul R.
Full Melt Charters
Full Melt Charters
Fishing charter in Sooke
5.0 / 5
(57 reviews)
Wayne made sure we had all the information we needed when we needed it. Great communication and fun to be out on the water with. We would do it again!
Ben  H.
Ben H.
Phantom Sportfishing – Great Lakes
Phantom Sportfishing – Great Lakes
Fishing charter in Hamilton
5.0 / 5
(82 reviews)
We had a really good time. The time went really fast. The captain and his partner were very nice, pleasant, knowledgeable answered our questions. My son was the only one that caught anything it was a lake trout and to big to keep. All and all we had fun TY.
Tracy  J.
Tracy J.
Johnny's Sport Fishing
Johnny's Sport Fishing
Fishing charter in Chilliwack
5.0 / 5
(18 reviews)
Excellent day of fishing. Caught 6 fish on full day trip. Johnny was great with the kids, answered all questions, and provided lots of great information about the local wildlife.
Ammon  A.
Ammon A.
Johnny's Sport Fishing
Johnny's Sport Fishing
Fishing charter in Chilliwack
5.0 / 5
(18 reviews)
Absoluety a fantastic time - Johnny's an exceptional guide. Put us on 3, 6ft+ fish and enjoyed great conversation along the way!!
Adam  G.
Adam G.
Built For Speed Fishing Charters
Built For Speed Fishing Charters
Fishing charter in West Vancouver
5.0 / 5
(38 reviews)
Captain Chris is my "go to" guide when it comes to local salmon fishing, great boat, high success rates and very knowledgeable!
Dave  R.
Dave R. Langley, British Columbia
Getter Done Charters Nanaimo winter season
Getter Done Charters Nanaimo winter season
Fishing charter in Nanaimo
5.0 / 5
(5 reviews)
Captain Brannen took us out for the half day charter and we had a blast. We caught lots of Koho and Chinook salmon. The captain was very knowledgeable of the area as well as the wildlife and was great to hangout with for the afternoon. Very personable. The wind was up so the water was a bit rough but his boat handled it very well. We will definitely be booking again with Getter Done Charters next time I'm out!
Ralph  L.
Ralph L.
Getter Done Charters Nanaimo winter season
Getter Done Charters Nanaimo winter season
Fishing charter in Nanaimo
5.0 / 5
(5 reviews)
Captain Brannen was very knowledgable about all the creatures around and all the rules and regulations. He made everyone on board feel comfortable and safe. We enjoyed the day and could take home enough salmon and shrimp to feed us for days. An absolute highlight was a pod of orcas that came by while we were out there. We also saw sea lions and porpoises from the boat. This is an adventure you don't want to miss.
Stefanie  F.
Stefanie F.
Charter Tofino
Charter Tofino
Fishing charter in Tofino
5.0 / 5
(8 reviews)
Was a great day on the water with Kelly. Would highly recommend spending some time fishing with this guy. Definately knows where the fish are and was really good with the younger fisherman we had on board! - Steve
Kristin  W.
Kristin W.
Full Melt Charters
Full Melt Charters
Fishing charter in Sooke
5.0 / 5
(57 reviews)
Took my mother,wife and 3yo and had a great time. Cptn chris was knowledgeable and fun. Hope to come again.
Grady  H.  D.
Grady H. D.
Rising Tide Coastal Adventures
Rising Tide Coastal Adventures
Fishing charter in Sooke
5.0 / 5
(25 reviews)
Had a fantastic day out with Don! Landed a beautiful halibut and filled the crab traps! He’s an excellent, skilled skipper. Boat is new and in perfect condition and very comfortable. Excellent service, clear and timely communication. Would absolutely recommend this company.
Cody  C.
Cody C.
Tofino Ocean Adventures
Tofino Ocean Adventures
Fishing charter in Tofino
5.0 / 5
(35 reviews)
Our captain Brodie was amazing and showed us a great time. We caught our limit of salmon for the day and even some bonus crab. An amazing view and a great way to celebrate my 50th birthday. Highly recommend this captain and top notch equipment. He even through a few herring in the air so I could get some pictures of eagles. This will be an experience I will treasure for years to come.
Janetta  N.
Janetta N.

Самые популярные техники рыбалки – Канада

Самые популырные виды рыб – Канада