Рыбалка - Испания

Мы нашли самые интересные предложения из 74 туров в Испания -–введите свои даты и посмотрите

Топ Испания направлений

Испания: 74 туров доступно
4.8 / 5
(31 reviews)
5.0 / 5
(12 reviews)
La Línea de la Concepción
4.8 / 5
(21 reviews)
La Línea de la Concepción
4.9 / 5
(22 reviews)
5.0 / 5
(35 reviews)
4.8 / 5
(20 reviews)
Коста Адехе
4.5 / 5
(10 reviews)
4.4 / 5
(29 reviews)
Just listed
Acantilados de Los Gigantes

Frequently Asked Questions about Fishing Charters in Spain

According to customer reviews, some of the most popular fishing charters in Spain are: Full list of top fishing charters in Spain

The average price for a private 4 hour Spain fishing trip is US $587, while an 8 hour private trip will cost you US $1,082 based on prices on FishingBooker.com.

Fishing charters in Spain that received great reviews from families are:

The top 3 fish species targeted on guided fishing trips in Spain are:

The top 3 fishing techniques in Spain are:

The top 3 types of fishing in Spain are:

Many fishing charters in Spain provide rods, reels and tackle. Some of the top rated are:

According to customer reviews on FishingBooker.com, some of the best rated charter captains in Spain are:

Who are the top awarded captains in Spain?

Some of the fishing trips offered by fishing charters in Spain are:
  • 2-hour fishing trips – €361
  • 3-hour fishing trips – €456
  • 4-hour fishing trips – €562
  • 5-hour fishing trips – €606
  • 6-hour fishing trips – €655
  • 7-hour fishing trips – €877
  • 8-hour fishing trips – €1,029
  • 9-hour fishing trips – €1,865
  • 10-hour fishing trips – €1,399
  • 12-hour fishing trips – €2,565

Fishing in Испания

Рыбалка в Испании славится своим разнообразием. Палитра морских рыб превышает полтысячи, а пресноводные водоемы кишат потенциальным уловом. Коста Брава, Аликанте, река Эбро – вам будет где остаться наедине с любимым делом.

Рыбачить в Испании – удовольствие как для настоящих тореро и искушенных профессионалов, так и для абсолютных новичков. Можете смело собирать чемоданы: вас ждут водохранилища, озера и реки с настоящими трофеями, могучий Атлантический океан, полный всевозможных сокровищ и Средиземное море с его хищниками. Кристально-чистые воды Испании подойдут абсолютно всем!

Морская и океанская рыбалка в Испании

Рыбалка в Атлантическом океане в Испании, как и в Средиземном море, полна сюрпризов. Самой желанной добычей в морских водах по праву считаются тунец, рыба-меч и марлин. Поймать этих хищников – задача, справившись с которой, вы можете называть себя настоящим рыбаком.

Рыбалка на рыбу-меча в Испании заставит вас попотеть. Эти мощные хищники активно клюют у берегов Малаги с июля по начало осени, а вот чуть ранее вы можете насладиться рыбалкой на голубого тунца или его младшего брата – полосатого тунца. Ловится здесь и “красавчик” - белый тунец, которого можно ухватить в прибрежной океанической зоне.

Однако несмотря на то, что рыба-меч и марлины устроят настоящую битву сразу же, как только попадутся вам на крючок, сразиться в Испании можно и со множеством других видов рыб. Средиземное море и Атлантический океан богаты сибасом, морскими лещами, ваху, барракудой, альбакорой и скумбриевых; последние часто встречаются в приповерхностных водах.

Планируя большую рыбалку в Испании, готовьтесь отплыть на 20-30 миль от берега и получить изрядную дозу адреналина. Все, что ловится дальше 50 морских миль, местные зовут рыбалкой “высоко в море”. Кстати, пока вы мечтаете о тунцах, махи-махи (дорада или ямпуга) и альбакорах, вас будут сопровождать морские черепахи, дельфины и, если повезет, даже киты! А вот прибрежная рыбалка, особенно ночью, может порадовать вас кальмарами – идеально для любителей экзотики.

Морская и океанская рыбалка в Испании обычно проходит на живца и на троллинг. На донной рыбалке, к слову, ваш улов может запросто составить пару сотен килограмм! Главное, чтобы с вами рядом был опытный капитан или гид, который поможет сам справиться даже с самым юрким морским жителем.

Подводная охота в Испании

Лучше морской рыбалки в Испании может быть только подводная охота. За острыми ощущениями отправляйтесь на атлантическое побережье. Здесь у вас будет возможность сфотографироваться с подводными обитателями, ухватить крупную добычу или же полюбоваться на красоты океана.

Подводная охота в Испании может состояться только при наличии у вас лицензии, которую выдает Региональное министерство рыболовства и сельского хозяйства.

Пресноводная рыбалка в Испании

Испания богата не только морем и океаном. Находясь на море, трудно представить, что всего лишь в паре десятков километров от вас расположились красивейшие реки и озера. Именно здесь можно отдохнуть и душой и сердцем, оставшись наедине с любимым хобби.

Рыбалка на озере или реке в Испании обычно заканчивается отличным уловом, таким как сом, сазан и окунь, а также карп, щука и угорь. У каждого рыболова в Испании есть шанс достать из воды настоящий трофей вне зависимости от того, рыбачите ли вы с берега или с моторных лодок. Исследуйте Каталонию, Арагонские Пиренеи или одно из множества испанских озер.

Рыбалка на реке Эбро в Испании познакомит вас с самой популярной речной артерией страны. Вы успеете и насладиться неописуемо красивой природой и отличным климатом, но и настоящей спортивной трофейной рыбалкой в Испании на гигантских сомов, судаков, американского окуня и карпов.

К слову, поймать в Испании можно и форель, предварительно получив специальное разрешение и лицензию. Рыбалка на форель в Испании активная и захватывающая вне зависимости от того, куда вы решите отправиться, на реки Сегре и Бидасоа или в одно из водохранилищ. Сезон ловли форели в Испании длится с 1 мая по конец июля.

Правила и положения

All anglers require a valid fishing license to cast a line here. Luckily, wherever you choose to go in Spain, your license will be covered as long as you fish alongside a charter captain.
4.6 / 5
На основе 28586 отзывов клиентов FishingBooker

Испания – сезоны

Исследуйте побережье Касабланки и насладитесь теплыми днями Испанской зимы. Морская рыбалка вне сезона не заставит вас скучать!
Посвятите последний месяц зимы рыбалке на реке Эбро: вы можете поймать как карпа, так и сома!
Не исключено, что именно в марте вам удастся поймать крупную ставриду во время рыбалки в Каталонии!
Попробуйте свои силы и порыбачьте на крупную ставриду в водах Каталонии или займитесь пресноводной рыбалкой.
В мае открывается сезон ловли форели, который продолжится до конца июля. Пресноводные рыбаки не могут упустить такую возможность!
Займитесь подводной охотой или побалуйте себя рыбалкой в открытом море. В июне можно все!
Насладитесь рыбалкой в море или океане на троллинг или на живца. Рыбачить стоит подальше от берега на махи-махи и тунца.
Август в Испании просто обязательно нужно провести с удочкой в руках, будь то недалеко от берега или "высоко в море".
Встретить первый месяц осени можно отправившись на рыбалку на карася с одной из местных скал. К тому же, вы можете успеть насладиться морской рыбалкой!
В осенние дни можно ранним утром заняться рыбалкой с берега, нацелившись на саргана, луфаря и лихию.
Лучше всего отправляться на рыбалку в вечерние часы, хотя рыба ловится в течение всего дня. Рыбачьте вдоль берега или на одном из озер!
Посетите детский рождественский фестиваль в Барселоне и порыбачить на водохранилище Изнахар на юге страны.

Испания Календарь рыболова

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Рыбалка – Испания – что говорят?

It was my first time so just remember to bring layers as you can feel cold out at sea. Just bring yourself and the captain and crew will look after you.
5.0 / 5
It was my first time so just remember to bring layers as you can feel cold out at sea. Just bring yourself and the captain and crew will look after you.
Albakora Cat Fishing Charters
Albakora Cat Fishing Charters
Very friendly captain, nice gear, caught a lot of small fish, had a lovely day, we will be back ,
5.0 / 5
Very friendly captain, nice gear, caught a lot of small fish, had a lovely day, we will be back ,
Monarca Fishing Trips I
Monarca Fishing Trips I
Plan for an extra 15-20 minutes from what the GPS indicates due to traffic. Other than that everything was great!
5.0 / 5
Plan for an extra 15-20 minutes from what the GPS indicates due to traffic. Other than that everything was great!
Gofio Tuna Fishing Charters
Gofio Tuna Fishing Charters
We caught big wahoo and some smaller tuna really happy , excellent sea conditions
5.0 / 5
We caught big wahoo and some smaller tuna really happy , excellent sea conditions
Yate Sofia Big Game Fishing
Yate Sofia Big Game Fishing
Be patient. Catching fish is not granted and depends on many factors that are not under the crew' s control in full
4.3 / 5
Be patient. Catching fish is not granted and depends on many factors that are not under the crew' s control in full
Marco Polo fishing
Marco Polo fishing
Smal boat but just perfect for an angler who prefers real sport and action above comfort and luxury. With a no-nonsense captain who knows perfectly his job! Thanks Efrain Ferrera Hernandez... Greetz.. Ronny from Belgium
4.7 / 5
Smal boat but just perfect for an angler who prefers real sport and action above comfort and luxury. With a no-nonsense captain who knows perfectly his job! Thanks Efrain Ferrera Hernandez... Greetz.. Ronny from Belgium
Kleie fishing Charters Gran Tarajal
Kleie fishing Charters Gran Tarajal
Touch base with Captain Toni before booking. He will help you set it up for the maximum experience in the time you have. Captain Toni is outstanding, personable a pleasure to be with.
5.0 / 5
Touch base with Captain Toni before booking. He will help you set it up for the maximum experience in the time you have. Captain Toni is outstanding, personable a pleasure to be with.
Fishing in Mallorca
Fishing in Mallorca
The tuna fishing was amazing. Their were Tuna everywhere. Highly recommend!
5.0 / 5
The tuna fishing was amazing. Their were Tuna everywhere. Highly recommend!
Gone Fishing Barcelona
Gone Fishing Barcelona New Hampton, NY
Choose a full day fishing trip if you want to travel further out to sea for the big fish! For a family and less experienced fishermen, a half day trip is fun and still rewarding.
5.0 / 5
Choose a full day fishing trip if you want to travel further out to sea for the big fish! For a family and less experienced fishermen, a half day trip is fun and still rewarding.
Boat Monty Charter
Boat Monty Charter Marbella, Andalusia
The fish are not in huge numbers depending on time of year but they are big.
5.0 / 5
The fish are not in huge numbers depending on time of year but they are big.
The Rodfather Tenerife Fishing
The Rodfather Tenerife Fishing St. Augustine, FL
Do your research to establish which is the best trip for your standard of fishing.
5.0 / 5
Do your research to establish which is the best trip for your standard of fishing.
No Limits Tenerife Fishing
No Limits Tenerife Fishing San Miguel De Abona, Canary Islands
Be prepared for being at sea! As silly as it sounds we had a few people in our group that felt ill but stick it out and focus on the fishing and you'll be fine!
5.0 / 5
Be prepared for being at sea! As silly as it sounds we had a few people in our group that felt ill but stick it out and focus on the fishing and you'll be fine!
The Rodfather Tenerife Fishing
The Rodfather Tenerife Fishing Surbiton, England
All you need to bring is sun tanning oil a hat and clothes to protect from the sun the boats provide some drinks soft drinks and beer and snacks
5.0 / 5
All you need to bring is sun tanning oil a hat and clothes to protect from the sun the boats provide some drinks soft drinks and beer and snacks
Fish On – 35' Cata Sportfisher
Fish On – 35' Cata Sportfisher Antrim, Northern Ireland
Enter the regatta complex and head out onto harbour . Locate pro angling there
4.7 / 5
Enter the regatta complex and head out onto harbour . Locate pro angling there
ProFishing Alicante
ProFishing Alicante Edinburgh, Scotland
Fish for whatever is in season and what the guides are having good luck with in that given week.
5.0 / 5
Fish for whatever is in season and what the guides are having good luck with in that given week.
Sport Fishing Barcelona – Ramfel
Sport Fishing Barcelona – Ramfel Kennewick, WA
Yes, it was fantastic with beautiful weather and have seen a lot of Dolphins, Whales which who accompanied our boat.
4.7 / 5
Yes, it was fantastic with beautiful weather and have seen a lot of Dolphins, Whales which who accompanied our boat.
No Limits Two Tenerife Fishing
No Limits Two Tenerife Fishing
Boats may be hard to book due to demand for the tuna season. Advise to charter the boat with a group to avoid disappointment.
4.7 / 5
Boats may be hard to book due to demand for the tuna season. Advise to charter the boat with a group to avoid disappointment.
Fish On – 35' Cata Sportfisher
Fish On – 35' Cata Sportfisher Madrid, Madrid
Go only with Happy Hooker 3 and book the trip at least 1-2weeks in advance.
5.0 / 5
Go only with Happy Hooker 3 and book the trip at least 1-2weeks in advance.
Happy Hooker III
Happy Hooker III Madrid, Madrid
There is all types of fishing available. The captain asks what you want to fish for at the beginning of your trip.
5.0 / 5
There is all types of fishing available. The captain asks what you want to fish for at the beginning of your trip.
No Limits Two Tenerife Fishing
No Limits Two Tenerife Fishing Adeje, Canary Islands
Check the trip will accommodate your target species when you book. Remember your sunscreen!
5.0 / 5
Check the trip will accommodate your target species when you book. Remember your sunscreen!
No Limits Tenerife Fishing
No Limits Tenerife Fishing Bristol, England

How did anglers rate fishing charters in Испания?

Offshore Charters
Offshore Charters
Fishing charter in La Línea de la Concepción
5.0 / 5
(12 reviews)
Very well organized and enjoyable trip, had un-fishable weather on original date and Andy moved us up two days which resulted in a headache free experience! Great service and great captain. Highly recommend.
Luke  L.
Luke L.
Gofio Tuna Fishing Charters
Gofio Tuna Fishing Charters
Fishing charter in Arona
4.3 / 5
(31 reviews)
Good trip overall, went for Bluefin Tuna but only caught Baracuda. Water was alittle rough but Captian Juan did his best to get us a catch! Enjoyed the day and would go back again.
Jimmy  P.
Jimmy P.
Yate Sofia Big Game Fishing
Yate Sofia Big Game Fishing
Fishing charter in Los Cristianos
Very good
4.0 / 5
(97 reviews)
Good day but would be a bit underwhelming if we had a full complement of 8 anglers…having sports fished for years this boat would be perfect for a shared charter of 4 anglers
Peter  B.
Peter B.
Yate Sofia Big Game Fishing
Yate Sofia Big Game Fishing
Fishing charter in Los Cristianos
4.3 / 5
(97 reviews)
Wir konnten während unserer Angeltour 7 Bonitos überlisten und zu erwähnen gilt es auch, dass wir einen sehr großen Marlin an der Rute hatten, der uns leider verloren ging. Außerdem könnten wir Wale sowie Delfine beobachten. Diese kamen dem Boot auch sehr nahe was einzigartig war. Nächstes Jahr bin ich wieder dabei.
Chris  M.
Chris M.
Kleie fishing Charters Gran Tarajal
Kleie fishing Charters Gran Tarajal
Fishing charter in Gran Tarajal
4.7 / 5
(22 reviews)
A charter with Efrain is a great pleasure and a great experience - he knows the spots for a real fishing experience - is extremely friendly and helpful - explains the area and you immediately feel at home on board. We caught fantastic fish and the commitment in planning the entire trip was excellent. All promises kept. A trip with Efrain is worth every cent :) Go for it!:)
Jörg  N.
Jörg N.
Gone Fishing Barcelona
Gone Fishing Barcelona
Fishing charter in Barcelona
5.0 / 5
(21 reviews)
I am so glad that I booked a fishing trip with Captain Robert of Gone Fishing Barcelona. All communications were prompt, accurate, and helpful. We used electric reels to help make fishing in very deep water quite accessible and easy. Captain Robert is very knowledgeable of the local fish species and how to catch them. We caught many different species which I’ve never caught before because I’ve never fished in the Mediterranean. I highly recommend going fishing with Gone Fishing Barcelona.
Jeff  R.
Jeff R.
Yate Sofia Big Game Fishing
Yate Sofia Big Game Fishing
Fishing charter in Los Cristianos
5.0 / 5
(97 reviews)
For start - Captain and first mate know what they are doing, are well prepaired, knows how to “read” the ocean and how to find big trophey fish! 1.5h hours all of us fighting with a monster Tuna. Biggest catch of my life. Thank you Juan and Fore. When ill be in Tenerife again, without a doubt ill call you guys! Till next time 😉
Giedrius  S.
Giedrius S.
Gofio Tuna Fishing Charters
Gofio Tuna Fishing Charters
Fishing charter in Arona
5.0 / 5
(31 reviews)
Great boat, captain and mate. Fished all over the world and this was an experience I won't forget. The guys hooked up a bluefin when everyone else was struggling for bites. Saw more dolphins and pilot whales as the captain put the hard yards in to find the fish. If you happen to be in the vicinity you should give captain Sergio and his crew a go....massive energy and feeling for the sport...can't ask for more 😁
Miles  B.
Miles B.
Luna Pesca - Port Banus
Luna Pesca - Port Banus
Fishing charter in Marbella
5.0 / 5
(33 reviews)
Brilliant day out with Oscar. After some advice from him, we caught loads of a fish. Highly recommended. Oscar - thank you mate. Appreciate you looking after me and my family.
Kenneth  M.
Kenneth M.
Yate Sofia Big Game Fishing
Yate Sofia Big Game Fishing
Fishing charter in Los Cristianos
5.0 / 5
(97 reviews)
My dream came true, we cached one nice Tuna fish. Thank you to the profesional team, nice ride and great atmosphere!
Gatis  J.
Gatis J.
Kleie fishing Charters Gran Tarajal
Kleie fishing Charters Gran Tarajal
Fishing charter in Gran Tarajal
5.0 / 5
(22 reviews)
Great day with shark bite 🤯 and big fish! We caught a lot. Now let's enjoy the Barracuda and the Bluefish. 🎣 thanks for taking us with you…
Max  E.
Max E.
Kleie fishing Charters Gran Tarajal
Kleie fishing Charters Gran Tarajal
Fishing charter in Gran Tarajal
4.7 / 5
(22 reviews)
We had an awesome trip :) Caught loads of Barracuda, sadly nothing else. But that is Fishing :) Thanks to the Captain for making it possible :)
Jan-hinnerk  S.
Jan-hinnerk S.
Kleie fishing Charters Gran Tarajal
Kleie fishing Charters Gran Tarajal
Fishing charter in Gran Tarajal
4.7 / 5
(22 reviews)
We’d a wonderful day thanks to captain Efrain and caught some really good fish (Bonito and Bluefish) despite adverse conditions (northeasterly wind and current). Gladly again at any time.
Henry  H.
Henry H.
Gone Fishing Barcelona
Gone Fishing Barcelona
Fishing charter in Barcelona
5.0 / 5
(21 reviews)
Had a great fishing experience with Capt. Robert! Although the day was a bit windy, it didn't stop us from catching fish. Robert was kind and helpful while using his electric reels, which I had never used before, and proved to be very useful and effective, as we caught several kinds of fish, including a very big conger eel, moray, big red snapper, scorpionfish, sea bream... I highly recommend fishing with him! Thanks for this amazing trip!
Gerald  W.
Gerald W.
Yate Sofia Big Game Fishing
Yate Sofia Big Game Fishing
Fishing charter in Los Cristianos
5.0 / 5
(97 reviews)
Amazing day 4 of us on boat left on time and caught a tuna and puffer fish also had a lovley sandwich and tuna from the catch couldnt recommend a better boat
Karis  B.
Karis B.
Kleie fishing Charters Gran Tarajal
Kleie fishing Charters Gran Tarajal
Fishing charter in Gran Tarajal
4.7 / 5
(22 reviews)
Had a great time with Kleie Charters. We cought fish, we had a laugh and we gad fun. Great day with great captain. Only 2 fisherman in the boat makes it a bit more enjoyable as you get to fish more.
Ulvis  S.
Ulvis S.
Yate Sofia Big Game Fishing
Yate Sofia Big Game Fishing
Fishing charter in Los Cristianos
Very good
4.0 / 5
(97 reviews)
The trip was nice, time and price are fair. To use livebaits at the reef will be a better chance to get bigger fish. We catched only small fish. Food and drinks enough for the time. The captain and the skipper did a good job. Gracias
Toni  G.
Toni G.
Offshore Charters
Offshore Charters
Fishing charter in La Línea de la Concepción
5.0 / 5
(12 reviews)
We had a fantastic time with Captain Andy today. We will be back for some Tuna fishing soon. Thanks again for such a memorable day 🙏
Lars  J.
Lars J.
Yate Sofia Big Game Fishing
Yate Sofia Big Game Fishing
Fishing charter in Los Cristianos
5.0 / 5
(97 reviews)
We had great time whit the capitan and the crew, the weather was not on our side but they tried to find the best spots. Hopefully we gonna have better luck on Saturday. We can only recommend this experience for everybody.
Ferenc  H.
Ferenc H.
Yate Sofia Big Game Fishing
Yate Sofia Big Game Fishing
Fishing charter in Los Cristianos
Very good
4.0 / 5
(97 reviews)
Even though only one fish was caught trolling, in a couple of minutes everybody on the boat was served with a grilled tuna. Nice touch, captain!
Jakub  K.
Jakub K.

Самые популырные виды рыб – Испания