Рыбалка - Хорватия

Мы нашли самые интересные предложения из 73 туров в Хорватия -–введите свои даты и посмотрите

Топ Хорватия направлений

Хорватия: 73 туров доступно
4.7 / 5
(77 reviews)
Kaštel Kambelovac
 Мгновенное подтверждение
4.8 / 5
(7 reviews)
 Мгновенное подтверждение
5.0 / 5
(22 reviews)
 Мгновенное подтверждение
4.9 / 5
(27 reviews)
 Мгновенное подтверждение
 Мгновенное подтверждение
4.9 / 5
(12 reviews)
 Мгновенное подтверждение
Just listed
 Мгновенное подтверждение
 Мгновенное подтверждение
 Мгновенное подтверждение
5.0 / 5
(5 reviews)
 Мгновенное подтверждение

Frequently Asked Questions about Fishing Charters in Croatia

According to customer reviews, some of the most popular fishing charters in Croatia are: Full list of top fishing charters in Croatia

The average price for a private 4 hour Croatia fishing trip is US $457, while an 8 hour private trip will cost you US $714 based on prices on FishingBooker.com.

Fishing charters in Croatia that received great reviews from families are:

The top 3 fish species targeted on guided fishing trips in Croatia are:

The top 3 fishing techniques in Croatia are:

The top 3 types of fishing in Croatia are:

Many fishing charters in Croatia provide rods, reels and tackle. Some of the top rated are:

According to customer reviews on FishingBooker.com, some of the best rated charter captains in Croatia are:

Who are the top awarded captains in Croatia?

Some of the fishing trips offered by fishing charters in Croatia are:
  • Extended fishing trips – €1,436
  • 3-hour fishing trips – €290
  • 4-hour fishing trips – €416
  • 5-hour fishing trips – €552
  • 6-hour fishing trips – €649
  • 7-hour fishing trips – €712
  • 8-hour fishing trips – €812
  • 9-hour fishing trips – €936
  • 10-hour fishing trips – €843
  • 12-hour fishing trips – €2,294

Fishing in Хорватия

Рыбалка в Хорватии отличное разнообразие семейного отдыха, и не только. Здесь вы можете насладиться мягким климатом, необыкновенной красоты природой и, конечно же, могучим Адриатическим морем. У берегов Хорватии проходит его главное течение, что, безусловно, создает самые благоприятные условия для трофейной рыбалки.

Рыбный туризм в Хорватии развит достаточно хорошо: стоимость рыбалки здесь не так высока, а рыболовных маршрутов – сколько душе угодно. К тому же, в Хорватии есть 66 остров, почти 700 островков, около 400 скал и почти сто рифов!

На что рыбачить в Хорватии?

“Страна тысячи островов”, Хорватия всегда найдет, чем удивить даже самого опытного рыбака. Воды Адриатического моря богаты не только всевозможными крабами, водорослями и моллюсками, но и разнообразными видами рыб. Рыболовные сафари в открытом море познакомят вас с сильными морскими хищниками, которые могут стать достойным уловом.

Рыбалка в Хорватии нацелена, безусловно, на трофеи. Одним из них по праву считается голубой тунец - мощная и очень выносливая рыба. Средний вес тунца в Хорватии обычно составляет 60-150 килограмм, а вот рыба покрупнее может достигать и все 200 кг!

Рыбалка на голубого тунца в Хорватии начинается в конце весны и продолжается до зимы. Высоким сезоном считается период с июля по октябрь: в это время большие косяки тунцов мигрируют вдоль всего Хорватского побережья. А вот тунца покрупнее можно встретить с ноября по февраль, если период сильных ветров не помешает рыбалке. К тому же, в Хорватии регулярно проводят соревнования по ловле синего тунца: улов иногда поражает воображение!

Однако, трофейная рыбалка в Адриатическом море не ограничивается лишь тунцом. Хорватия богата и другими видами рыб, такими как синяя и лисья акулы, желтохвост, барракуда, зубан, золотая макрель и даже рыба-меч.

Морская рыбалка в Хорватии - это, в основном, дрифтинг. Двигатель при этом может быть как включенным, так и выключенным – главное, чтобы скорость соответствовала приливу. Так ловятся даже крупные акулы, особенно если в качестве наживки используется целая рыба.

Кстати, любители пресноводной рыбалки смогут оценить хорватские реки и озера. Попробуйте, к примеру, нахлыстовую рыбалку на реке Гацка на местную форель или спортивную ловлю карпа на закрытом озере.

Где рыбачить в Хорватии?

Рыбалка на острове Муртер - одна из самых популярных во всей стране. Именно сюда съезжаются любители половить рыбу, ведь остров прекрасно подходит не только искушенным рыболовам, которые могут похвастаться морскими трофеями, но и любопытным новичкам, которые никогда не держали удочку в руках. Город Йезера считается одним из центров спортивной морской рыбалки всего Адриатического моря.

Отдельного внимания заслуживают города Сплит и Трибуни. Последний расположился около парка Корнати и влечет рыбаков круглый год. Здесь можно насладиться рыбалкой на кальмара, дайвингом или подводной охотой.

Желающие совместить активную рыбалку со знакомством с достопримечательностями особенно оценят национальный морской парк Корнати неподалеку от Водицы. А вот тем, кто нацелен исключительно на рыбалку, стоит исследовать сами Водицы – “Хорватскую ривьеру”. Трофейная рыбалка здесь начинается в летом и длится до самого конца осени.

Полезная информация о рыбалке в Хорватии

Перед тем, как отправиться на охоту на голубого тунца, вам необходимо оформить специальное разрешение на срок от 1 до 30 дней. К тому же, порыбачить на тунца и все остальные виды рыб получится далеко не везде: есть несколько национальных парков и заповедных зон, где рыбачить запрещено.

Подводная охота в Хорватии с использованием искусственных источников энергии не разрешается: вы должны перемещаться под водой только своими силами. Охотиться под водой вы можете при дневном освещении, однако можно использовать подводную лампу. Лучшее время для подобного вида рыбалки – конец лета и начало осени.

4.8 / 5
На основе 28557 отзывов клиентов FishingBooker

Хорватия – сезоны

Лучший сезон для рыбалки в Хорватии прийдет лишь через пару месяцев. Самое оптимальное сейчас - поймать маленького тунца и ларака.
Если вам не хватает заряда адреналина, отправляйтесь рыбачить на акул в феврале. Этим можно заняться даже тем, кто никогда не ловил акул!
В марте можно попробовать свои силы и попытать удачу в открытом море, нацелившись на голубого тунца.
Проведите отличный день на море, охотясь на рыбу-меча, акул и многих других. Вполне возможно, что вам попадется и тунец.
В мае начинают появляться туристы, поэтому лучше всего отправиться в открытое море и поохотиться на морских хищников.
Первый месяц лета - лучшее время для рыбалки на голубого тунца. Даже если вам не повезет, вы вполне можете насладиться отличным днем на воде.
Отправляйтесь на остров Корчула и насладитесь знаменитым рыболовным соревнованием. Кто знает, может вы решите принять в нем участие?
Рыбалка в августе считается самой лучшей за весь год. Можно поймать огромного голубого тунца всего в 10 милях от берега!
В начале осени туристы разъезжаются по домам, а вот большая рыбалка все еще в разгаре. Вы можете поймать тунца и махи-махи близко к берегу.
Именно в октябре можно вдоволь наохотиться на голубого тунца, махи-махи и рыбу-меча в открытом море.
Сезон голубого тунца в Хорватии подходит к концу - не упустите возможность насладиться последними днями сезона!
Если погода позволит, вы можете исследовать прибрежные воды или отойти на пару миль дальше от берега.

Хорватия Календарь рыболова

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Рыбалка – Хорватия – что говорят?

Be sure to wear sunscreen and bring a hat. The sun is still quite intense. Look for the fish you want but keep an open mind as different fish move and bite at different times. Your skipper will know best what is biting and what isn't.
5.0 / 5
Be sure to wear sunscreen and bring a hat. The sun is still quite intense. Look for the fish you want but keep an open mind as different fish move and bite at different times. Your skipper will know best what is biting and what isn't.
Blue Marine Fishing
Blue Marine Fishing Supetar, Split-Dalmatia
Book a trip with Toni he has invested to find the best spots and lures to make your experience worth three trip. Toni will also help with recipes as a chef.
5.0 / 5
Book a trip with Toni he has invested to find the best spots and lures to make your experience worth three trip. Toni will also help with recipes as a chef.
Toni Sportfishing Charter
Toni Sportfishing Charter Espoo, Uusimaa
Rent a boat with captain and go fishing on the see. It's more satisfying than from the beach.
5.0 / 5
Rent a boat with captain and go fishing on the see. It's more satisfying than from the beach.
Hit Fishing and Tours
Hit Fishing and Tours
Nothing to recommend . Capt.Duje fully experienced and welll equipped for different type of fish and seasons. He will show everything for fisherman's, came at first time at Marina .
5.0 / 5
Nothing to recommend . Capt.Duje fully experienced and welll equipped for different type of fish and seasons. He will show everything for fisherman's, came at first time at Marina .
San Pjero Fishing
San Pjero Fishing Pinneberg, Schleswig-Holstein
It was an easy drive from Vodice. Stay hydrated, pack your sunscreen or a long sleeve shirt. Be patient when fishing
5.0 / 5
It was an easy drive from Vodice. Stay hydrated, pack your sunscreen or a long sleeve shirt. Be patient when fishing
Big Game Fishing
Big Game Fishing Zagreb, City Of Zagreb
Keep an eye on the weather, as windy conditions later in the evening don’t lend well for fishing in the area.
5.0 / 5
Keep an eye on the weather, as windy conditions later in the evening don’t lend well for fishing in the area.
Split Sportfishing
Split Sportfishing Croatia
Be clear on objective; lots of smaller fish vs perhaps bigger ones. These guys do both
4.3 / 5
Be clear on objective; lots of smaller fish vs perhaps bigger ones. These guys do both
EFISHent Fishing & Tours – Vrsar
EFISHent Fishing & Tours – Vrsar Montbonnot-Saint-Martin, Auvergne-Rhone-Alpes
Buy a squid like fake baits. Every fish like to eat them. Apart u can catch loads of mackerel so sabikies would be your choice. Bottom rigs with size from 4 to 1/0 hooks topped with small pieces of squid, mackerel, mussels and prowns would catch u anything. For bigger fishes bigger pieces of mackerel or squid and located in deeper places. Biggest species are out in the sea and best to be located with boats. Best regards ?
4.7 / 5
Buy a squid like fake baits. Every fish like to eat them. Apart u can catch loads of mackerel so sabikies would be your choice. Bottom rigs with size from 4 to 1/0 hooks topped with small pieces of squid, mackerel, mussels and prowns would catch u anything. For bigger fishes bigger pieces of mackerel or squid and located in deeper places. Biggest species are out in the sea and best to be located with boats. Best regards ?
Blue Marine Fishing
Blue Marine Fishing Germany
Great for Tuna, Bonito and Dentex! Book a few days with an experienced guide for a true adventure ?
5.0 / 5
Great for Tuna, Bonito and Dentex! Book a few days with an experienced guide for a true adventure ?
EFISHent Fishing & Tours – Vrsar
EFISHent Fishing & Tours – Vrsar Beograd, Grad Beograd
Don't fish by your own - book a charter for sure, because they know some good spots and you will be successful :)
5.0 / 5
Don't fish by your own - book a charter for sure, because they know some good spots and you will be successful :)
EFISHent Fishing & Tours – Vrsar
EFISHent Fishing & Tours – Vrsar Rovinj, 18
Go for quantity and various species rather than targeting Tuna which aren't spawning in July.
4.7 / 5
Go for quantity and various species rather than targeting Tuna which aren't spawning in July.
Zadar Sunset Fishing
Zadar Sunset Fishing Zagreb, City Of Zagreb
Make sure you’re fishing the appropriate season depending on the fish you are going after. Sometimes moving your trip just a week can make a huge difference in terms of catch.
5.0 / 5
Make sure you’re fishing the appropriate season depending on the fish you are going after. Sometimes moving your trip just a week can make a huge difference in terms of catch.
EFISHent Fishing & Tours – Vrsar
EFISHent Fishing & Tours – Vrsar Belgrade, Belgrade
Everything is well arranged. Make sure to communicate your plans and wishes properly through the messaging app or phone.
5.0 / 5
Everything is well arranged. Make sure to communicate your plans and wishes properly through the messaging app or phone.
Honesto Maena Fishing Charters
Honesto Maena Fishing Charters Rotterdam, South Holland
Pick your days well, and give it time, dont get dissapointed early. Waiting does pay off!
5.0 / 5
Pick your days well, and give it time, dont get dissapointed early. Waiting does pay off!
Dubrovnik Big Game Fishing - Servantes II
Dubrovnik Big Game Fishing - Servantes II Santa Cruz, El Beni
Try and go very early or very late in the day. We went in the middle of the day but were still fortunate enough to catch a lot because of the Dragan and Ante’s experience.
5.0 / 5
Try and go very early or very late in the day. We went in the middle of the day but were still fortunate enough to catch a lot because of the Dragan and Ante’s experience.
Fishing adventure by CUP of SEA
Fishing adventure by CUP of SEA Zagreb, 21
I can only say best water best weather and the friendliest people who could get to know you with all the fishing adventures. Do not be deceived.
5.0 / 5
I can only say best water best weather and the friendliest people who could get to know you with all the fishing adventures. Do not be deceived.
Fishing adventure by CUP of SEA
Fishing adventure by CUP of SEA Berlin, Land Berlin
Many great positions from the coast, but the best is to go out with the boat!
5.0 / 5
Many great positions from the coast, but the best is to go out with the boat!
EFISHent Fishing & Tours – Vrsar
EFISHent Fishing & Tours – Vrsar Zagreb, City Of Zagreb

How did anglers rate fishing charters in Хорватия?

Dubrovnik Fishing – 23'
Dubrovnik Fishing – 23'
Fishing charter in Dubrovnik
5.0 / 5
(49 reviews)
Originally booked for a full day but the very windy conditions meant it was better for all to do a half day. Srdan is an amazingly nice guy and I really enjoyed our conversations! We spent some time chasing amber jack and trolling for anything that would bite, and then a lovely swim on a beautiful beach followed by a swim in the blue cave. Couldn’t recommend this trip anymore, great time!
Jordan  H.
Jordan H.
Dubrovnik Fishing – 23'
Dubrovnik Fishing – 23'
Fishing charter in Dubrovnik
5.0 / 5
(49 reviews)
Took my father for a birthday treat. Had to change date due to the weather skipper was in constant contact and made every effort to make trip happen asap. Great trip highly recommend
Stephen  M.
Stephen M.
Dubrovnik Fishing – 23'
Dubrovnik Fishing – 23'
Fishing charter in Dubrovnik
5.0 / 5
(49 reviews)
We had a great time from start to finish and caught plenty of fish aswell ,I would recommend 100%
Brian  B.
Brian B.
Zadar Sunset Fishing
Zadar Sunset Fishing
Fishing charter in Zadar
5.0 / 5
(39 reviews)
Captain Goran is a professional and pleasant companion. Enjoyed fishing. We didn't catch a lot, but it seems like it's normal for this time. I recommend it with pleasure
Sergiy  Y.
Sergiy Y.
Zadar Sunset Fishing
Zadar Sunset Fishing
Fishing charter in Zadar
4.7 / 5
(39 reviews)
It was a great experience. Very good guide with a lot of experience. We catched some Red snapper and some other smaller fish. We did a small break, when he served us some local food. When you talk with him you get to know a lot about this area, the locals and about the fish.
Mark  H.
Mark H.
Zadar Sunset Fishing
Zadar Sunset Fishing
Fishing charter in Zadar
5.0 / 5
(39 reviews)
Caught tons of fish, of course my wife caught the most. Goran is freindly, safe and a great captain. Drank local beers and ate delicious local Sardines and homemade olive oil. 10/10 recommend!!
Megan  C.
Megan C.
Vacation 4tuna
Vacation 4tuna
Fishing charter in Krk
5.0 / 5
(10 reviews)
Miha tried everything, but unfortunately couldn't get a fish bite. But that's just the way it is, not every fishing day is a catching day. Miha is very friendly and professional. We enjoyed it anyway. We are happy to recommend him
Stefanie  P.
Stefanie P.
Dubrovnik Fishing – 23'
Dubrovnik Fishing – 23'
Fishing charter in Dubrovnik
5.0 / 5
(49 reviews)
Very enjoyable day, Srdan was a great captain. Caught plenty although no monsters. Will visit again for another try!
Jobe  B.
Jobe B.
Sparus Boats
Sparus Boats
Fishing charter in Split
4.7 / 5
(26 reviews)
We drove to the fishing spot, but the waves were getting higher and higher. So they gave us the decision to cancel the tour or try it on the next day again. We decided to cancel und we hadn't pay for it. This was really fair und we would book the tour again, if we are at Split another time.
Thomas  F.
Thomas F.
Dubrovnik Fishing – 23'
Dubrovnik Fishing – 23'
Fishing charter in Dubrovnik
4.3 / 5
(49 reviews)
My wife and I haven’t gone fishing in such a long time, booked this and besides myself getting sea sick lol (that’s on me of course), it was a good time none the less and the captain was phenomenal. Fish, views, weathers, personable captain and the hospitality. Would recommend 5/5 along with the unbeatable price in my opionion.
Kristopher  B.
Kristopher B.
Hit Fishing and Tours
Hit Fishing and Tours
Fishing charter in Umag
5.0 / 5
(8 reviews)
We had a perfect Fishing Trip with Oliver We had a good time and some Fisch What do you want more :)
Eric  B.
Eric B.
San Pjero Fishing(Split)
San Pjero Fishing(Split)
Fishing charter in Split
4.7 / 5
(5 reviews)
Duje was the Captain of the boat I went one. He was very friendly and helpful. Myself being an avid fisherman was impressed with his knowledge. He put us on a bunch on mackerel that we could use for bait on tuna. It was a great time on the water… but I was with my wife and it didn’t last long. He took us to some nice coves and bays for us to swim in. All in all I had a good time and would recommend.
Carson  S.
Carson S.
Split Sportfishing
Split Sportfishing
Fishing charter in Split
4.7 / 5
(27 reviews)
While it wasn’t the ideal day for squid fishing, but we did still manage to catch one big one! Otherwise the trip was also great. The boat was comfortable, the guide was friendly and fun. We had a great time! Highly recommend.
Christopher  B.
Christopher B.
Zadar Sunset Fishing
Zadar Sunset Fishing
Fishing charter in Zadar
4.7 / 5
(39 reviews)
My friends and I had an absolute blast! We caught plenty of fish, had some great talks with Goran, as well as great food onboard of his well equipped boat. I’d do the trip again and again, definitely worth the money!
Patrick  S.
Patrick S. Croatia
Zadar Sunset Fishing
Zadar Sunset Fishing
Fishing charter in Zadar
5.0 / 5
(39 reviews)
Fantastic evening on the sea. Mr Goran was Nice and helpful. Great snacks and the catch was better Than we had expected! Of we ever vimse back to Zadar we Will absolutely do it again! Pär, Olof and Algot from Sweden
Paer  S.
Paer S. Sweden
Maritimo Tuna Fishing
Maritimo Tuna Fishing
Fishing charter in Dubrovnik
4.7 / 5
(8 reviews)
Went on 4hr trip starting at 7am. Captain did all he could to catch a Tuna but no luck on this occasion. Good equipment and Knowles Le captain.
Clifford  H.
Clifford H. Marlow, England
DRboats - Fishing
DRboats - Fishing
Fishing charter in Umag
4.7 / 5
(49 reviews)
The Captain was well prepared and explained the fishing to us. We caught enough fish and Davor was very relaxed. Definitely recommended.
Moritz  C.
Moritz C. Croatia
Tira Fishing & Boat Charter
Tira Fishing & Boat Charter
Fishing charter in Bakarac
5.0 / 5
(7 reviews)
Today I went tuna fishing with this great boat, it was a very nice day, great captain, very good fishing equipment.Unfortunately we couldn't catch any tuna, but we would definitely recommend going again next year
Steven  B.
Steven B. Germany
Nefali Fishing
Nefali Fishing
Fishing charter in Ražanac
5.0 / 5
(35 reviews)
Absolutely incredible time with Marko. Early morning air was crisp and fishing was exciting and relaxing all at the same time. Would highly recommend selecting the trip that includes lunch. Being able to eat fresh caught fish is an entire experience itself, Marko prepared an excellent and delicious meal.
Caleb  E.
Caleb E. Zagreb, City Of Zagreb
Toni Sportfishing Charter
Toni Sportfishing Charter
Fishing charter in Hvar
5.0 / 5
(12 reviews)
Toni is the best, he looked after us so well on the day, the trip was about to end when he spotted some Tuna and proceeded to chase after them to try and get us one, look forward to booking with him again in the future, boat - excellent, equipment - excellent, day-excellent, skipper - superb.
Andy  F.
Andy F. Hornsey, England

Самые популярные техники рыбалки – Хорватия

Самые популырные виды рыб – Хорватия