Рыбалка - Мексика

Мы нашли самые интересные предложения из 569 туров в Мексика -–введите свои даты и посмотрите

Топ Мексика направлений

Мексика: 569 туров доступно
4.8 / 5
(366 reviews)
 Мгновенное подтверждение
4.8 / 5
(156 reviews)
 Мгновенное подтверждение
4.8 / 5
(83 reviews)
 Мгновенное подтверждение
4.7 / 5
(772 reviews)
 Мгновенное подтверждение
4.5 / 5
(60 reviews)
 Мгновенное подтверждение
4.7 / 5
(522 reviews)
 Мгновенное подтверждение
5.0 / 5
(36 reviews)
 Мгновенное подтверждение
4.7 / 5
(230 reviews)
 Мгновенное подтверждение
4.9 / 5
(655 reviews)
 Мгновенное подтверждение
4.8 / 5
(28 reviews)
 Мгновенное подтверждение

Frequently Asked Questions about Fishing Charters in Mexico

According to customer reviews, some of the most popular fishing charters in Mexico are: Full list of top fishing charters in Mexico

The average price for a private 4 hour Mexico fishing trip is US $454, while an 8 hour private trip will cost you US $699 based on prices on FishingBooker.com.

Fishing charters in Mexico that received great reviews from families are:

The top 3 fish species targeted on guided fishing trips in Mexico are:

The top 3 fishing techniques in Mexico are:

The top 3 types of fishing in Mexico are:

Many fishing charters in Mexico provide rods, reels and tackle. Some of the top rated are:

According to customer reviews on FishingBooker.com, some of the best rated charter captains in Mexico are:

Who are the top awarded captains in Mexico?

Some of the fishing trips offered by fishing charters in Mexico are:
  • 3-hour fishing trips – US $400
  • 4-hour fishing trips – US $424
  • 5-hour fishing trips – US $601
  • 6-hour fishing trips – US $455
  • 7-hour fishing trips – US $525
  • 8-hour fishing trips – US $674
  • 9-hour fishing trips – US $990
  • 10-hour fishing trips – US $850

Fishing in Мексика

Мексика – идеальное место для рыбалки. Побережье Тихого океана превратило эту жаркую страну в одно из самых излюбленных мест для рыбаков со всего света, и неспроста: именно здесь вы можете достать бесчисленное количество мародеров мировых океанов. Тихие воды Карибского моря и Мексиканского залива вносят еще большее разнообразие потенциальных трофеев.

Рыбалка в Мексике – это именно то, о чем вы так давно мечтали. К тому же, в качестве бонуса вам скорее всего предложат отведать вашу добычу – конечно же, если это не противоречит закону. Ведь поймав рыбу в Мексике, вам просто не захочется ее отпускать!

Где рыбачить в Мексике?

Рыбалка в Лос Кабос, особенно в Кабо Сан Лукас, подойдет любому любителю половить рыбу. Ни один заядлый рыбак не сможет отказать себе в удовольствии порыбачить в этих знаменитых водах. Это место славится своими рекордными трофеями, что неудивительно: марлинов и рыб-парусников в Лос Кабос ловят по несколько тысяч каждый год. Исследовать побережье Калифорнийского залива следует именно здесь. Кстати, залив еще с древних времен зовут морем Кортеса.

Ничем не хуже Лос Кабоса и рыбалка в Масатлане. “Мировая столица марлинов” – лучший курорт для любителей этих мощных хищников. К тому же, здесь вам удастся выловить рыбу-парусника, тунцов, морских окуней и махи-махи (дорадо).

Поймать акулу в Мексике можно на рыбалке в Пуэрто Вальярта, совместив это с охотой на рыбу-парусник, марлина и луциана. А вот за исполинских размеров тунцом можно поохотиться близ города Косталерге: рыбалка на Исла Навидад и Барра де Навидад славится огромными трофеями.

Карибское побережье Ривьеры Майя – настоящая мечта. Здесь и Канкун, с его Портом Морелос, который, к слову, принимает международный турнир по глубоководной рыбалке, и бухты Марома, и Косумель, и Плая-дель-Кармен. Рыбалка в Канкуне, Косумеле и вообще во всей Ривьере Майя подойдет для желающих познакомиться с фантастическим уловом. Здесь можно порыбачить во втором в мире по величине коралловым рифе, который протянулся до самого Гондураса. Мезоамериканский барьерный риф полон акул, морских черепах и вкуснейшей рыбы.

Исследуйте океаническую рыбалку в Мексике, отправившись покорять восточное и западное побережья. Здесь вас ждут альбула, помпано и тарпон: за ними не придется далеко отплывать от берега. Оцените заливы Эспириту Санто и Четумаль, как и воды Северного Юкатана с их тарпонами. А вот огромнейший Баия-де-Бандерас порадует нетронутыми пляжами, парками и, конечно же, отличными трофеями как близко к берегу, так и в открытом море.

К слову, в Мексике существует и пресноводная рыбалка. Безусловно, она далеко не так впечатляет, как морская, но рыбаки со всей страны не устают верить в ее потенциал. Рыбалка в Комедеро и Эль Сальто, к примеру, порадует искушенных ценителей флоридского черного окуня. Для того, чтобы как следует изучить пресноводную рыбалку в Мексике стоит забронировать местный лодж.

Как рыбачить в Мексике?

Рыбные трофеи в Мексике ловятся в основном на троллинг, но также популярна и донная рыбалка. Практикуют здесь и кайт-фишинг на тунца или рыбу-парусника. Рыбалка на нахлыст в Мексике особенно популярна на мелководье Тулума и Косумеля и по всей Ривьере Майя – настоящем раю для нахлыстовиков.

Когда рыбачить в Мексике?

Рыбачить в Мексике можно (и нужно!) круглый год. Лучшее время для голубых и черных марлинов – с начала июня по конец осени, а вот полосатые марлины здесь в избытке в любое время года. Быстрая и мощная рыба-парусник отлично клюет с апреля по конец декабря, но может попасться и вне сезона, но меньших размеров.

Правила и положения

If you’re fishing from a boat in Mexico, then you’ll need a license. These are often covered by your charter, but not always, so it’s worth checking before you go. Each angler can keep a maximum of five fish in freshwater, and ten in saltwater. However, you can only have five of each species, and one Billfish counts as half your daily limit. 
4.7 / 5
На основе 28558 отзывов клиентов FishingBooker

Мексика – сезоны

Из морских глубин сейчас можно достать акулу, марлина и ваху, особенно если вы рыбачите в Кабо-Сан-Лукас. Не оставьте без внимания и прибрежные воды Ривьеры-Майя!
Не упустите свой шанс порыбачить на больших хищников в Кабо-Сан-Лукасе или исследовать воды Пуэрто-Валларты.
Отправьтесь на рифы в поисказ снэпперов и груперов или оцените "рыбные" места по всей стране, в которых можно поймать пару марлинов.
Исследуйте рифы Пуэрто-Валларты или отправьтесь на охоту на полосатого марлина. Кстати, в прибрежных водах тоже не соскучишься!
В Косумеле сейчас проходит знаменитое родео - не упустите возможность насладиться этим зрелищем! А вот в Тулуме - соревнование по ловле пермитов.
Рыбалка в прибрежных водах Кабо-Сан-Лукаса обещает быть богатой на снука, рыбу-петуха и многих других видов рыб. А вот в другой части Мексики можно поймать огромных хищников!
Лучше всего рыбачить на тарпона в Мексике именно в июле, особенно если вы отдыхаете в Косумеле. К тому же, можно поймать и других рыб в прибрежных водах!
Синий марлин постепенно выходит на сцену, как раз к началу знаменитого сезона рыболовных соревнований.
Вся страна сейчас празднует День Независимости. Оставьте рыбалку на какой-нибудь другой день и как следует повеселитесь!
Все местные рыбаки и туристы со всего света съезжаются на знаменитый рыболовный турнир. Призы достигают миллиона долларов (или даже больше)!
Исследуйте рифы в Ривьере-Майя или проведите отличный день в открытых водах Кабо-Сан-Лукаса.
Отпразднуйте Новый год в Мексике и подарите себе и своим друзьям настоящую рыбалку в открытом море!

Мексика Календарь рыболова

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Рыбалка – Мексика – что говорят?

Take Dramamine 30 minutes prior to leaving. We got seasick during our trip which was no fault on the crew. They were very understanding and helpful. We still ended up catching a lot of fish and they made fillets for us to take back to our resort where the chef cooked it! Very cool experience. For what we paid, the boat was probably very reasonable, but in the future we might like a little roomier boat. Our crew was awesome!
4.7 / 5
Take Dramamine 30 minutes prior to leaving. We got seasick during our trip which was no fault on the crew. They were very understanding and helpful. We still ended up catching a lot of fish and they made fillets for us to take back to our resort where the chef cooked it! Very cool experience. For what we paid, the boat was probably very reasonable, but in the future we might like a little roomier boat. Our crew was awesome!
Nuj Kay
Nuj Kay
Be clear about the kind of day you want - make the day yours! We wanted flexibility and to expose our son to a day of fishing without making him stay out all day. We booked a full day trip, which was only a little more than 1/2 fay so we could have flexibility.
5.0 / 5
Be clear about the kind of day you want - make the day yours! We wanted flexibility and to expose our son to a day of fishing without making him stay out all day. We booked a full day trip, which was only a little more than 1/2 fay so we could have flexibility.
Cabo Sportfishing Crew – Blue Tail II
Cabo Sportfishing Crew – Blue Tail II
Take some Dramamine if you think you may possibly get seasick. Even on a tame day like we experienced today we were rolling in 6-10ft swells all day which can take its toll on you. Also wear a sun shirt and wear plenty of sunscreen!
Very good
4.0 / 5
Take some Dramamine if you think you may possibly get seasick. Even on a tame day like we experienced today we were rolling in 6-10ft swells all day which can take its toll on you. Also wear a sun shirt and wear plenty of sunscreen!
Nuj Kay
Nuj Kay
We forgot a long sleeve shirt for the boys in the am. But the chill wore off quick as the day heated up
4.7 / 5
We forgot a long sleeve shirt for the boys in the am. But the chill wore off quick as the day heated up
Cpt. Brother's Boat
Cpt. Brother's Boat
Encourage the operator to have enough live bait. All of our good catches were on line bait
4.7 / 5
Encourage the operator to have enough live bait. All of our good catches were on line bait
Martin's Fishing Adventures
Martin's Fishing Adventures
The waters are a little cooler in April so the mahi mahi and dorados are further offshore. However there are still plenty of great fish to catch in the bay!
5.0 / 5
The waters are a little cooler in April so the mahi mahi and dorados are further offshore. However there are still plenty of great fish to catch in the bay!
Super Panga Tres Estrellas
Super Panga Tres Estrellas
There can be very big swells and a lot of water action. That was the case for us first thing in the day. The boat was small as we were a small party and it was rolly early on in the day. It may be uncomfortable for some folks who aren't used to that and some may be better off to book a larger boat with a bigger party.
4.7 / 5
There can be very big swells and a lot of water action. That was the case for us first thing in the day. The boat was small as we were a small party and it was rolly early on in the day. It may be uncomfortable for some folks who aren't used to that and some may be better off to book a larger boat with a bigger party.
Big Ben Sport Fishing And Charters 27'
Big Ben Sport Fishing And Charters 27'
Weather was sunny. The waves were rolling. And the catching was not so great in the afternoon.
5.0 / 5
Weather was sunny. The waves were rolling. And the catching was not so great in the afternoon.
Balihoo Boat
Balihoo Boat
Definitely hook up with Pepe He will put you on the fish every time. Great team
5.0 / 5
Definitely hook up with Pepe He will put you on the fish every time. Great team
Pepe's Fleet – 28' Sport Panga
Pepe's Fleet – 28' Sport Panga
Do your homework on what's running before hand. And clearly communicate what you want to go for. Fish to take home, a good fight, etc.
4.7 / 5
Do your homework on what's running before hand. And clearly communicate what you want to go for. Fish to take home, a good fight, etc.
Marietas Sportfishing
Marietas Sportfishing
Just know the sea is often pretty rough. Little children may not enjoy that part. My older teen was OK with it. You know what your children can handle. Something to consider. I highly recommend. Captain and first mate were great.
5.0 / 5
Just know the sea is often pretty rough. Little children may not enjoy that part. My older teen was OK with it. You know what your children can handle. Something to consider. I highly recommend. Captain and first mate were great.
King Mackerel Fishing Expeditio-29'
King Mackerel Fishing Expeditio-29'
Don’t be afraid to ask to fish for a certain type of fish if you’re after something specific. Our captain was super flexible and would put us wherever and whatever we wanted to do. We wanted to pull in some fish with a good fight but not keep them, so he found us crevalle jacks to hook into. We had our two kids with us that wanted to see a lot marine life, so he found us sea turtles and manta rays, and took us to the most beautiful spot to snorkel. Just an amazing day out on the water!
5.0 / 5
Don’t be afraid to ask to fish for a certain type of fish if you’re after something specific. Our captain was super flexible and would put us wherever and whatever we wanted to do. We wanted to pull in some fish with a good fight but not keep them, so he found us crevalle jacks to hook into. We had our two kids with us that wanted to see a lot marine life, so he found us sea turtles and manta rays, and took us to the most beautiful spot to snorkel. Just an amazing day out on the water!
Super Panga Tres Estrellas
Super Panga Tres Estrellas
Yes. Fun fishing inshore.We did not catch any Mahi Mahi but when water is warmer, I am sure it is really great.
5.0 / 5
Yes. Fun fishing inshore.We did not catch any Mahi Mahi but when water is warmer, I am sure it is really great.
Capricho Sport Fishing
Capricho Sport Fishing
Fishing in Loreto is very seasonal - be sure to check what fish are in the area during the time of your visit. If you are hoping for a particular fish species, they may not be around depending on what time of year you are fishing in Loreto.
5.0 / 5
Fishing in Loreto is very seasonal - be sure to check what fish are in the area during the time of your visit. If you are hoping for a particular fish species, they may not be around depending on what time of year you are fishing in Loreto.
Rubio Sportfishing – Super Panga II 25 feet
Rubio Sportfishing – Super Panga II 25 feet
If the water is choppy take Dramamine!!! Do the 6 hour if your after a big one.
5.0 / 5
If the water is choppy take Dramamine!!! Do the 6 hour if your after a big one.
Chili's Sportfishing Isla Mujeres
Chili's Sportfishing Isla Mujeres
The only thing about these boats is that they're smaller than the big fishing charters. If it's windy (but not so windy that the trip needs to be cancelled), the boat can rock a bit if you stop/slow down to do bottom fishing. That might affect people who are prone to motion sickness.
5.0 / 5
The only thing about these boats is that they're smaller than the big fishing charters. If it's windy (but not so windy that the trip needs to be cancelled), the boat can rock a bit if you stop/slow down to do bottom fishing. That might affect people who are prone to motion sickness.
Balihoo Boat
Balihoo Boat
The hardest part of the trip was finding boat. The location on this app is incorrect. He is located on coco beach
5.0 / 5
The hardest part of the trip was finding boat. The location on this app is incorrect. He is located on coco beach
Gardi Crew
Gardi Crew
Nicest Captain and crew. They set it up to be successful, 6 lines trolling various baits and depths. We booked a 4 hour trip.
4.7 / 5
Nicest Captain and crew. They set it up to be successful, 6 lines trolling various baits and depths. We booked a 4 hour trip.
Tres Amores
Tres Amores
Be flexible and understanding that none of the boats here running charters are top of the line brand new boats. Just go fishing and have fun.
5.0 / 5
Be flexible and understanding that none of the boats here running charters are top of the line brand new boats. Just go fishing and have fun.
Big Boss - Water Adventure
Big Boss - Water Adventure
Bring sunscreen Take anti nausea the day before and day of, if seas are rolling Enjoy the experience And cook your fresh fish!
4.7 / 5
Bring sunscreen Take anti nausea the day before and day of, if seas are rolling Enjoy the experience And cook your fresh fish!
Margarita Fishing Adventures
Margarita Fishing Adventures

How did anglers rate fishing charters in Мексика?

Cabo Sportfishing Crew – Reel Tequila
Cabo Sportfishing Crew – Reel Tequila
Fishing charter in Cabo San Lucas
5.0 / 5
(230 reviews)
We enjoyed our full day trip. It lasted from 6 AM - 2 PM. I was concerned that it might be too long for us, but we enjoyed the day on the water. Sadly, we did not catch anything but that is the nature of fishing!
Greg  W.
Greg W.
Wahoo 33'
Wahoo 33'
Fishing charter in Cabo San Lucas
5.0 / 5
(197 reviews)
The best experience ever!! Super friendly and knowledgeable crew. Great price. We caught three huge Marlin when no one else on the water was catching ANYTHING!! All thanks to our crew 🥹 can’t say enough good things about them!
Miranda  H.
Miranda H.
Daliken Sportfishing
Daliken Sportfishing
Fishing charter in San Jose Del Cabo
5.0 / 5
(338 reviews)
We had a wonderful day with Ruben. We caught multiple fish and species! Grouper, red snapper, mackerel, rooster tail! No mahi nahi or marlin this trip but looking forward to another time with this group! They even arranged transportation!
Darren  C.
Darren C.
Fishing charter in Punta Mita
5.0 / 5
(5 reviews)
Erasmo was a great guide, especially as this was my first time fly fishing in the ocean. He was patient and able to give me tips to make my cast better. Will definitely be back.
Sarah  G.  W.
Sarah G. W.
Pescado Adventures – Luhrs 40'
Pescado Adventures – Luhrs 40'
Fishing charter in Puerto Aventuras
5.0 / 5
(131 reviews)
This charter was awesome.had a awesome experience from the start from FishingBooker to the cab ride to Aventuras…even tho we didn’t bring a fish on board we still had a great time😎
Denis  F.
Denis F.
JLC Fishing
JLC Fishing
Fishing charter in Puerto Aventuras
5.0 / 5
(48 reviews)
Jeremias was amazing. He put us on fish…. Gracias amigo! The last time I was here my nephew caught a sailfish and I’ve been wanting one ever since. We had our chances. But sometimes the fish win the battles!
Greg  D.
Greg D.
El Budster Pride
El Budster Pride
Fishing charter in Cabo San Lucas
5.0 / 5
(501 reviews)
I had such an amazing experience!! The captain and 1st mate were polite, courteous and very helpful. From the minute we walked on to the boat to stepping off at the end of the trip, they made us feel at home. We caught 2 marlin early in the morning but the Captain never stopped trying to put us on more fish. We ended the day catching our 3rd marlin - what a way to end the trip. When I come back to Cabo, I’m definitely booking another trip with them!!
Martin  S.
Martin S.
Family Fishing Cancun–34' Chutzpah
Family Fishing Cancun–34' Chutzpah
Fishing charter in Cancún
5.0 / 5
(22 reviews)
4 hour morning charter was great. Captain William suggested 6hr was better. Deckhand Christian worked very hard switching baits to ensure we caught fish. Caught a nice Wahoo, several Barricuda, tuna and red snapper.
Donald  G.
Donald G.
Jazive I
Jazive I
Fishing charter in Loreto
5.0 / 5
(69 reviews)
Windy day on the water, but that's fishing. Jacinto was great and made the ride as comfortable as possible, and kept the attitude positive. Eventually we were able to grind out a catch for all three of us, including a 30lb yellowtail for my son. I'd definitely go with Jacinto again.
Team Margarita Sportfishing – V
Team Margarita Sportfishing – V
Fishing charter in San Carlos
5.0 / 5
(77 reviews)
So awesome, Captain Brian and Arturo were both fun, friendly and led us to some awesome fishing. Great day.
Lisa  M.
Lisa M.
Valeria I
Valeria I
Fishing charter in Puerto Vallarta
5.0 / 5
(366 reviews)
As an avid fisherman it's hard to sit back and have them do everything for us lol. Fishing was fun but I would definitely spend the extra money and go out for the bigger fish. Overall was a good morning and good fun. Thanks Jorge!!!
Dylan  H.
Dylan H.
Daliken Sportfishing 2 – 24'
Daliken Sportfishing 2 – 24'
Fishing charter in San Jose del Cabo
4.7 / 5
(157 reviews)
Caught almost 20 fish and 5 different species. One of the best fishing trips my husband and I have been on!! Captain made it fun also!
Sarah  B.
Sarah B.
El Budster
El Budster
Fishing charter in Cabo San Lucas
5.0 / 5
(278 reviews)
Went out 4/15/2024 with Captain Francisco and Mate Omar in the afternoon...We caught 4 Jack Caravelle, 1 Needlefish and 1 8ft Striped Marlin. Everything was excellent and i highly recommend!
Jason  E.
Jason E.
Black Marlin Sportfishing
Black Marlin Sportfishing
Fishing charter in Cabo San Lucas
5.0 / 5
(655 reviews)
Manuel and crew were great. Had a fish on in the first 30 min. Bring your muscle because these marlins are fighters. Experience of a lifetime. They make you feel like you’re a real sports fisherman in a tournament. Would do it again. Thank you black marlin sports fishing.
Luis  Q.
Luis Q.
Cabo Sportfishing Crew – Blue Tail
Cabo Sportfishing Crew – Blue Tail
Fishing charter in Cabo San Lucas
5.0 / 5
(772 reviews)
Captain did everything he could to help us catch a fish… and we did! A huge marlin. Had a blast catching other fish too. Definitely recommend this company.
Sandy  B.
Sandy B.
Embarcacion Fer
Embarcacion Fer
Fishing charter in Puerto Escondido
5.0 / 5
(30 reviews)
Honestly a phenomenal service which began with Capitan Noe, and was continued by Oscar and Henry. We caught a huge sailfish and they helped us prepare it after the trip. Would 100% go back, make sure to look at conditions and season of fish you’re looking for, to ensure the best results
Conor  A.
Conor A.
Fishing Cancún Charters
Fishing Cancún Charters
Fishing charter in Cancún
5.0 / 5
(332 reviews)
Didn’t have long to squeeze in a fishing trip but ended up fitting it in , was glad I went out with fishing Cancún charters they got rite at it and put fish on the boat ,,
Robert  B.
Robert B.
El Jefe Boat Charters
El Jefe Boat Charters
Fishing charter in Puerto Peñasco
5.0 / 5
(263 reviews)
El Jefe, the captain, the owner of the outfit and he guides the trip personally. As I fishermen I can tell when another knows what he’s doing. Jefe knew exactly where to go and what to do to catch fish. He’s great at reading water and watching the weather. He was also very personable and fun to chat with. He knows what he’s doing if you really want to catch fish. Tip the guy well. He’s doing this for a living! Thank you Jefe, amigo!
Amy  R.
Amy R.
JLC Fishing
JLC Fishing
Fishing charter in Puerto Aventuras
5.0 / 5
(48 reviews)
Captain Jeremias was knowledgeable, friendly and just a great person to spend a day on the water with. We were fishing about 10 minutes after leaving the dock and landing fish almost immediately. It was a great day! Highly recommend for families, beginners or experienced anglers.
Steven  S.
Steven S.
El Pargo ll Fishing Tours in Cabos
El Pargo ll Fishing Tours in Cabos
Fishing charter in Cabo San Lucas
5.0 / 5
(28 reviews)
We had a wonderful experience! Everyone was professional and made the day very enjoyable and easy. I would highly recommend Capitán Juan and his team! We will be back!
Jake  C.
Jake C.

Самые популярные техники рыбалки – Мексика

Самые популырные виды рыб – Мексика