Рыбалка - Канкун

Мы нашли самые интересные предложения из 110 туров в Канкун -–введите свои даты и посмотрите

Канкун: 110 туров доступно
4.9 / 5
(27 reviews)
4.8 / 5
(84 reviews)
4.8 / 5
(455 reviews)
4.8 / 5
(333 reviews)
4.8 / 5
(68 reviews)
4.8 / 5
(229 reviews)
4.8 / 5
(69 reviews)
5.0 / 5
(31 reviews)

Frequently Asked Questions about Fishing Charters in Cancún

According to customer reviews, some of the most popular fishing charters in Cancún, Quintana Roo are: Full list of top fishing charters in Cancún

The average price for a private 4 hour Cancún fishing trip is US $447, while an 8 hour private trip will cost you US $747 based on prices on FishingBooker.com.

Fishing charters in Cancún that received great reviews from families are:

The top 3 fish species targeted on guided fishing trips in Cancún are:

The top 3 fishing techniques in Cancún are:

The top 3 types of fishing in Cancún are:

Many fishing charters in Cancún provide rods, reels and tackle. Some of the top rated are:

According to customer reviews on FishingBooker.com, some of the best rated charter captains in Cancún are:

Who are the top awarded captains in Cancún?

Some of the fishing trips offered by fishing charters in Cancún are:
  • 4-hour fishing trips – US $451
  • 5-hour fishing trips – US $270
  • 6-hour fishing trips – US $554
  • 8-hour fishing trips – US $633
  • 10-hour fishing trips – US $1,153
  • 12-hour fishing trips – US $1,253

Fishing in Канкун

Побывав в Мексике, невозможно не влюбиться в рыбалку, особенно если вы отдыхаете в Канкуне – одном из тайных мест на Карибах. Рыбалка в Канкуне подойдет абсолютно каждому рыбаку: небольшие тунцы здесь водятся в прибрежных водах, а в открытом море вас ждут настоящие хищники.

Канкун располагается на северо-восточном побережье Юкатанского полуострова, прямо на пути мигрирующей рыбы, а местные воды богаты пелагическими видами. Считается, что глубоководная рыбалка в Канкуне – одна из лучших во всей Мексике, как и троллинг и ловля в нахлыст. А какая роскошная подводная охота в Канкуне ждет любого опытного рыболова!

Рыбалка в Карибском море

Чистейшие воды Карибского моря богаты самыми различными видами рыб. Рыбалка в Канкуне может запросто принести уникальный улов, который станет личной гордостью любого рыболова. Добычей здесь может оказаться тунец, барракуда, макрель, махи-махи (дорадо), групер, ваху, луциан, окунь, рыба-парусник и даже синий и белый марлины.

Период, когда лучше рыбачить в Канкуне, зависит от рыбы, на которую вы нацелены. С начала весны до начала осени вам удастся поймать все, чем славятся местные воды: в этот период клюет все подряд. Если вы планируете отдых на осенние или зимние месяцы, смело ожидайте окуня, акул и барракуду.

Прибрежная рыбалка

Исла Мухерес, так называемый “Остров Женщин”, – одно из самых популярных мест для любителей прыгунов-тарпонов, снуков и пермитов. Неподалеку от острова пересекаются теплые и холодные течения – отличная питательная среда для рыб покрупнее. За большими пермитами стоит отправиться на мелководья в Лагуну Ничупте. Запаситесь блеснами, креветками и кальмарами для пермитов и снепперов.

Рыбалка в нахлыст в Канкуне также не разочарует даже самого опытного рыболова. Чуть дальше от Острова Женщин, – примерно в 25 милях от берега, – расположился Исла Бланка. Поверьте на слово: там должен побывать каждый уважающий себя рыбак. Эта лагуна представляет собой 12-мильную полосу из травы и песчаного дна, что особенно привлекательно для ловли нахлыстом.

Глубоководная рыбалка

Канкун, как и вся Ривьера Майя, славится своей глубоководной рыбалкой. Затащить огромный трофей на борт в паре километров от берега не получится – для этих целей необходимо уходить в открытое море.

Уже в 15-35 милях от берега можно ухватить крупного тунца, сериолу, снеппера, махи-махи, марлина, ваху или рыбу-парусника. Уделите глубоководной рыбалке весь день – вам понадобится как минимум 8-10 часов. В летние месяцы вы будете заняты троллингом, а зимой можно попробовать донную рыбалку. Ловят здесь как на живца, так и на искусственную приманку.

Полезная информация

Для рыбалки в Мексике вам необходимо будет приобрести специальную лицензию. Сделать это можно онлайн или перед началом рыбалки – лучше всего проконсультироваться с вашим капитаном заранее, так как некоторые чартеры уже включают в себя стоимость лицензии.

Рыбалка с берега в Канкуне разрешена только при условии, что вы будете ловить рыбу не менее чем в 250 метрах от купающихся. Отправляйтесь в более тихие места для лучшего улова!

Правила и положения

You’ll need a valid Mexican fishing license, and most charters will make sure this is covered on your trip. Some fish species are subject to strict regulations, and traveling alongside a captain means you'll be fishing legally.
4.7 / 5
На основе 28578 отзывов клиентов FishingBooker

Канкун – сезоны

Пик туристического сезона в Канкуне приходится именно на январь. На Исла Мухерес проходит турнир по ловле барракуды, а большинство местных занимаются донной рыбалкой.
Отправляйтесь на мелководье за снуком или сосредоточьтесь на донной рыбалке. Рыбалка в открытом море сейчас - не лучший вариант.
Погода все еще прилично ветреная, но рыба-парусник и белый и синий марлины начинают появляться в открытом море.
В апреле клюет все! Сейчас - самое время насладиться спортивной рыалкой или исследовать мелководье, где обитают таропн, пермит и альбула.
Май - пик сезона рыбалки на альбулу и пермита на мелководье. А вот в открытом море вас ждут марлины и махи-махи.
Начало лето - пик сезона рыбалки на тарпона, и местные рыбаки отправляются на мелководье. В открытом море, кстати, тоже не заскучаешь!
Отпразднуйте Новый год по календарю майя и оцените всю палитру морских хищников в открытом море. Здесь и махи-махи, и марлины, и рыба-парусник, и много чего интересного.
Август - самый жаркий месяц года и богатый на дожди. Однако вы все еще можете порыбачить на пелагические виды рыб.
В сентябре Канкун может настигнуть ураган, поэтому будьте осторожны. Лучше посвятить свой день рыбалке на мелководье, нацелившись на тарпонов, снуков и альбулу.
В открытом море можно найти пелагические виды рыб и заняться донной рыбалкой. К тому же октябрь - последний месяц сезона рыбалки на тарпона.
Начиная с Дня всех святых, ноябрь встречает туристов и местных жителей началом высокого сезона. Займитесь исследованием мелководья и повремените с рыбалкой в открытом море.
Декабрьский Канкун обычно солнечный и без дождей, поэтому местные пляжи наполняются людьми. К тому же, рыба-парусник появляется на радарах!

Канкун Календарь рыболова

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Рыбалка – Канкун – что говорят?

Take Dramamine 30 minutes prior to leaving. We got seasick during our trip which was no fault on the crew. They were very understanding and helpful. We still ended up catching a lot of fish and they made fillets for us to take back to our resort where the chef cooked it! Very cool experience. For what we paid, the boat was probably very reasonable, but in the future we might like a little roomier boat. Our crew was awesome!
4.7 / 5
Take Dramamine 30 minutes prior to leaving. We got seasick during our trip which was no fault on the crew. They were very understanding and helpful. We still ended up catching a lot of fish and they made fillets for us to take back to our resort where the chef cooked it! Very cool experience. For what we paid, the boat was probably very reasonable, but in the future we might like a little roomier boat. Our crew was awesome!
Nuj Kay
Nuj Kay
Take some Dramamine if you think you may possibly get seasick. Even on a tame day like we experienced today we were rolling in 6-10ft swells all day which can take its toll on you. Also wear a sun shirt and wear plenty of sunscreen!
Very good
4.0 / 5
Take some Dramamine if you think you may possibly get seasick. Even on a tame day like we experienced today we were rolling in 6-10ft swells all day which can take its toll on you. Also wear a sun shirt and wear plenty of sunscreen!
Nuj Kay
Nuj Kay
Morning trips have better odds at catching fish, and you should book 6 hours or more if you're targeting marlin and sail fish.
Very good
4.0 / 5
Morning trips have better odds at catching fish, and you should book 6 hours or more if you're targeting marlin and sail fish.
Good Life Fishing
Good Life Fishing
The water in the gulf has been very rough this week and there have been storms so that kept us from catching lots more. We still caught 4 and had an amazing time!
5.0 / 5
The water in the gulf has been very rough this week and there have been storms so that kept us from catching lots more. We still caught 4 and had an amazing time!
Golu Fishing Charters
Golu Fishing Charters
Be prepared to fish like you never have before. I still can't believe the size an quantity of fish we brought in.
5.0 / 5
Be prepared to fish like you never have before. I still can't believe the size an quantity of fish we brought in.
SportfishingCancun - Mamacita
SportfishingCancun - Mamacita
Just watch out for rough seas! Otherwise they do their very best to get you on the fish!
5.0 / 5
Just watch out for rough seas! Otherwise they do their very best to get you on the fish!
SportfishingCancun - Mamacita
SportfishingCancun - Mamacita
My 8 and 10 year old girls got a little bit sea sick, but my 4 years old did well. Make sure you prepare for that
5.0 / 5
My 8 and 10 year old girls got a little bit sea sick, but my 4 years old did well. Make sure you prepare for that
SportfishingCancun - Mamacita
SportfishingCancun - Mamacita
Yes they knew how to explain what to do in terms everyone would understand.
5.0 / 5
Yes they knew how to explain what to do in terms everyone would understand.
SportfishingCancun - Mamacita
SportfishingCancun - Mamacita
Yes. It's fun. Bring water/sunscreen/and a positive adventurous attitude and you'll be fine.
4.3 / 5
Yes. It's fun. Bring water/sunscreen/and a positive adventurous attitude and you'll be fine.
SportfishingCancun - Mamacita
SportfishingCancun - Mamacita
If you want to experience the trill of catching a lot of fightsy barracuda, this is the one for you.
5.0 / 5
If you want to experience the trill of catching a lot of fightsy barracuda, this is the one for you.
SportfishingCancun - Mamacita
SportfishingCancun - Mamacita
The time of the year we went wasn't the best for the species we were after. Still lots of fun
5.0 / 5
The time of the year we went wasn't the best for the species we were after. Still lots of fun
Cancun Light Tackle Fly Fish – 18'
Cancun Light Tackle Fly Fish – 18'
Be patient and let the crew do their job getting you on fish. Took us quite a while but once the caption put us on fish it was a steady bite!
5.0 / 5
Be patient and let the crew do their job getting you on fish. Took us quite a while but once the caption put us on fish it was a steady bite!
SportfishingCancun – Nicte
SportfishingCancun – Nicte
caught 15 fish, mostly snapper, and a few jack. Saw a few tarpon, but could not get them to bite.
5.0 / 5
caught 15 fish, mostly snapper, and a few jack. Saw a few tarpon, but could not get them to bite.
Cancun Light Tackle & Fly Fishing Tours
Cancun Light Tackle & Fly Fishing Tours
Seas are pretty rough in February. Recommend you take Dramamine. If you want to catch some fish for dinner, make sure the captain stops at a reef for snapper, grouper, etc.
4.3 / 5
Seas are pretty rough in February. Recommend you take Dramamine. If you want to catch some fish for dinner, make sure the captain stops at a reef for snapper, grouper, etc.
Samaki II Cancun Charters
Samaki II Cancun Charters
Wasn’t really sure if we’d catch much being out of the better season for fishing. Was quite surprised to catch so many today. A variety of fish reeled-in in a 6 hour trip.
5.0 / 5
Wasn’t really sure if we’d catch much being out of the better season for fishing. Was quite surprised to catch so many today. A variety of fish reeled-in in a 6 hour trip.
Family Fishing Cancun – 29'
Family Fishing Cancun – 29'
Ask your guide for the techniques and cadences for what's been working best for catching fish.
5.0 / 5
Ask your guide for the techniques and cadences for what's been working best for catching fish.
Cancun Light Tackle & Fly Fishing Tours
Cancun Light Tackle & Fly Fishing Tours
Yes. We let Captain recommend what to chase. We just wanted to catch fish. He kept us on big Amberjacks. Caught more than 2 an hour with 2 fisherman. Great trip.
5.0 / 5
Yes. We let Captain recommend what to chase. We just wanted to catch fish. He kept us on big Amberjacks. Caught more than 2 an hour with 2 fisherman. Great trip.
SportfishingCancun - Mamacita
SportfishingCancun - Mamacita
I researched the fishing prior and it showed it was low/gloom but we were catching so much barracuda that we headed out for sailfish and then we we’re got into bonita that I wasn’t sure if we could hold more fish lol. Then we cought 4 sail fish. 3 at one time
4.7 / 5
I researched the fishing prior and it showed it was low/gloom but we were catching so much barracuda that we headed out for sailfish and then we we’re got into bonita that I wasn’t sure if we could hold more fish lol. Then we cought 4 sail fish. 3 at one time
Fishing Boats In Cancun – Big Hook
Fishing Boats In Cancun – Big Hook
Be prepared to have the fishing experience of a lifetime with these guys. If you've never been deep sea fishing, I would highly recommend eating some Gravol About an hour before your trip. The swells can get pretty big and you are out there for quite a while so be prepared. Also, be prepared to have a sore arm from reeling in so many fish!
5.0 / 5
Be prepared to have the fishing experience of a lifetime with these guys. If you've never been deep sea fishing, I would highly recommend eating some Gravol About an hour before your trip. The swells can get pretty big and you are out there for quite a while so be prepared. Also, be prepared to have a sore arm from reeling in so many fish!
Charter Fishing Cancun – Xaviera
Charter Fishing Cancun – Xaviera
Fishing isn't always catching but I appreciate a crew that works very hard. We had a great haul but even if we hadn't I'd have been pleased with the effort.
5.0 / 5
Fishing isn't always catching but I appreciate a crew that works very hard. We had a great haul but even if we hadn't I'd have been pleased with the effort.
Family Fishing Cancun–34' Chutzpah
Family Fishing Cancun–34' Chutzpah

How did anglers rate fishing charters in Канкун?

Nuj Kay
Nuj Kay
Fishing charter in Cancún
5.0 / 5
(84 reviews)
Amazing captian and crew Well experienced Caught 9 different fish Tuna Barracuda Mahi mahi What a experience Would 10000% recommend friends and family to book with them
Jesinth  P.
Jesinth P.
Cancun Light Tackle Fly Fish – 18'
Cancun Light Tackle Fly Fish – 18'
Fishing charter in Cancún
5.0 / 5
(69 reviews)
Had a peaceful, beautiful fishing experience. Our guide Mao had great knowledge of the fish in the waters and his whereabouts. He did whatever it took for us to catch fish. Had a great time. Highly recommend.
Clifford  S.
Clifford S.
Fishing Cancún Charters
Fishing Cancún Charters
Fishing charter in Cancún
5.0 / 5
(333 reviews)
The crew was fantastic and so was the boat! We caught Mahi, Grouper, Snapped, Tuna, mackerel, and wahoo! 5 stars! Would definitely come back again!
Rachelle  H.
Rachelle H.
La Rana Cancun Sportfishing
La Rana Cancun Sportfishing
Fishing charter in Cancún
5.0 / 5
(27 reviews)
He was a wonderful fishing guide we got a couple of monsters in the boat if was a wonderful fishing trip would have him again
Roger  P.
Roger P.
Nuj Kay
Nuj Kay
Fishing charter in Cancún
4.7 / 5
(84 reviews)
If you want to fish with people who are going to hustle to give you the best chance to catch all types of fish, look no further. Captain Mauro and first mate Jose barely stopped throughout the 5 hour trip. We caught fish after fish thanks to all their hard work! They caught the fish, I just reeled them in lol.
Stephanie  Y.
Stephanie Y.
Family Fishing Cancun–34' Chutzpah
Family Fishing Cancun–34' Chutzpah
Fishing charter in Cancún
5.0 / 5
(22 reviews)
4 hour morning charter was great. Captain William suggested 6hr was better. Deckhand Christian worked very hard switching baits to ensure we caught fish. Caught a nice Wahoo, several Barricuda, tuna and red snapper.
Donald  G.
Donald G.
Fishing Cancún Charters
Fishing Cancún Charters
Fishing charter in Cancún
5.0 / 5
(333 reviews)
Didn’t have long to squeeze in a fishing trip but ended up fitting it in , was glad I went out with fishing Cancún charters they got rite at it and put fish on the boat ,,
Robert  B.
Robert B.
Family Fishing Cancun – 29'
Family Fishing Cancun – 29'
Fishing charter in Cancún
5.0 / 5
(131 reviews)
Had a blast fishing for Barracuda & Snapper! Ocean was a little rough but we caught around 15 barracuda and snapper! My kids had a blast although one got a little sea sick. Will definately book again when in Cancun next!
Caydan  B.
Caydan B.
Samaki II Cancun Charters
Samaki II Cancun Charters
Fishing charter in Cancún
5.0 / 5
(229 reviews)
The weather did not play in our favor that day. Thunderstorms and rough seas but the captain and his deckhand put me on fish. Landed one amberjack that fought for 40 minutes. Would recommend them to anyone. Boat is older but in great shape along with equipment. Will book again soon
Chad  M.
Chad M.
Nuj Kay
Nuj Kay
Fishing charter in Cancún
4.3 / 5
(84 reviews)
Fishing was tough today but the crew never stopped trying. We caught tuna, strawberry grouper and trigger.
John  P.
John P.
Samaki II Cancun Charters
Samaki II Cancun Charters
Fishing charter in Cancún
5.0 / 5
(229 reviews)
We had a short trip due to we were in for a wedding but had a great time! A little ceviche dock side! Was amazing! Def recommend and will come fish again next time we are in Mexico!
Colby  G.
Colby G.
Nuj Kay
Nuj Kay
Fishing charter in Cancún
5.0 / 5
(84 reviews)
What an experience...My son and grandson joined me for a morning's fishing and...what a morning..1 x marlin (caught and released..) 1 x yellow tuna, 2 x bonitos and 1 x trigger fish later, we were fished out.. What an experience and we cam highly recommend skipper Nuj Kay..thanks for the memories.
Andre  S.
Andre S.
Nuj Kay
Nuj Kay
Fishing charter in Cancún
4.3 / 5
(84 reviews)
These guys were impressive, both captain and deck hand worked with 3-4 roads. We caught 10 fish and lost a couple more in a four hour trip. I would highly recommend using these guys as they work hard to put you onto fish.
Morgan  I.
Morgan I.
Family Fishing Cancun – 29'
Family Fishing Cancun – 29'
Fishing charter in Cancún
5.0 / 5
(131 reviews)
The weather was not cooperating with us this morning, but regardless we waited for the winds to die down. The water was a bit more choppy than usual, but we persisted and ended up catching all barracudas! A fun time. All inclusive experience, would do the 6 hour trip next time though. Was an enjoyable time.
Nina  G.
Nina G.
Nuj Kay
Nuj Kay
Fishing charter in Cancún
4.7 / 5
(84 reviews)
Was a windy day and amazed at how the crew could balance themselves along with all three of us getting sick. It was rough waters, however we managed to catch a nice black-fin tuna and two barracuda…a first for us! We had a great time considering the rough water and extremely impressed with how hard the crew worked. A+ effort from the crew! Thank you!
Ryan  C.
Ryan C.
Samaki II Cancun Charters
Samaki II Cancun Charters
Fishing charter in Cancún
5.0 / 5
(229 reviews)
Crew was awsome and very friendly. Catch fish immediately and ended it with a trophy snapper. Captain even called a local restaurant to some of the snapper for us. Amazing time and highly recommend this charter.
Ken  Z.
Ken Z.
Nuj Kay
Nuj Kay
Fishing charter in Cancún
4.7 / 5
(84 reviews)
We had a blast fishing! Captain George was very kind and knowledgeable. We caught several fish, and he filleted a large red snapper for us to take to a local restaurant to have . I would highly recommend this charter to anyone looking to have a fun time and fish in the deep water.
Carey  B.
Carey B.
Samaki II Cancun Charters
Samaki II Cancun Charters
Fishing charter in Cancún
5.0 / 5
(229 reviews)
We had a great time fishing and our captain put us on fish to take and eat.
Curt  F.
Curt F.
Samaki II Cancun Charters
Samaki II Cancun Charters
Fishing charter in Cancún
5.0 / 5
(229 reviews)
Captain Enrique and his crew made our fishing trip absolutely incredible. We have been on a few different charters and they were by far the best. Professional, helpful, fun and extremely hard working. We had the best time and caught king mackerel, barracuda and even wahoo! They did everything they could to make it a great day for our group and we couldn't have been happier. You'll love going with them just like we did!
Cameron  H.
Cameron H.
Samaki II Cancun Charters
Samaki II Cancun Charters
Fishing charter in Cancún
4.7 / 5
(229 reviews)
We caught a huge Barracuda. Took 1/2 to bring it in. Could have mounted it. 54” long. Boat was clean. Had a great time. Never went faster then idle was only bad part.
Mark  L.
Mark L.

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