Рыбалка - Майами

Мы нашли самые интересные предложения из 203 туров в Майами -–введите свои даты и посмотрите

Майами: 203 туров доступно
5.0 / 5
(79 reviews)
 Мгновенное подтверждение
5.0 / 5
(54 reviews)
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5.0 / 5
(64 reviews)
 Мгновенное подтверждение
4.9 / 5
(161 reviews)
 Мгновенное подтверждение
4.9 / 5
(191 reviews)
 Мгновенное подтверждение
4.6 / 5
(191 reviews)
 Мгновенное подтверждение
4.9 / 5
(56 reviews)
 Мгновенное подтверждение
4.9 / 5
(90 reviews)
 Мгновенное подтверждение
5.0 / 5
(105 reviews)
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5.0 / 5
(4 reviews)
 Мгновенное подтверждение

Frequently Asked Questions about Fishing Charters in Miami

According to customer reviews, some of the most popular fishing charters in Miami, Florida are: Full list of top fishing charters in Miami

The average price for a private 4 hour Miami fishing trip is US $754, while an 8 hour private trip will cost you US $1,174 based on prices on FishingBooker.com.

Fishing charters in Miami that received great reviews from families are:

The top 3 fish species targeted on guided fishing trips in Miami are:

The top 3 fishing techniques in Miami are:

The top 3 types of fishing in Miami are:

Many fishing charters in Miami provide rods, reels and tackle. Some of the top rated are:

According to customer reviews on FishingBooker.com, some of the best rated charter captains in Miami are:

Who are the top awarded captains in Miami?

Some of the fishing trips offered by fishing charters in Miami are:
  • 2-hour fishing trips – US $450
  • 3-hour fishing trips – US $550
  • 4-hour fishing trips – US $758
  • 5-hour fishing trips – US $700
  • 6-hour fishing trips – US $981
  • 7-hour fishing trips – US $1,400
  • 8-hour fishing trips – US $1,173
  • 10-hour fishing trips – US $1,600

Fishing in Майами

Майами – это мелководье залива Бискейн с его знаменитыми тарпонами и глубины Гольфстрима с акулами и марлинами. Здесь – настоящий рай даже для самого искушенного рыболова!

Оказавшись на Атлантическом побережье США, непростительно упустить возможность провести приятные часы с удочкой в компании местного гида. Даже если вы далеки от рыбалки, первая пойманная рыба в Майами не оставит вас равнодушным.

Вам понадобится всего несколько минут, чтобы оказаться один на один с настоящими морскими хищниками. И, что самое приятное, выходить в море здесь можно на протяжении всего года, будь то Атлантический океан или один из многочисленных пресноводных водоемов.

Где рыбачить в Майами?

В Майами перед вами есть выбор из целого множества видов рыбалки: здесь и троллинг на крупную рыбу в Гольфстриме, и рыбалка нахлыстом на отмелях в Бискейн и Флоридском заливе. Что бы вы ни выбрали, ваши глаза устанут следить за дергающимся поплавком!

Глубоководная рыбалка в Майами

Без всяких сомнений, в Майами любой рыбак сможет насладиться азартом ловли, ярким солнцем и великолепными видами Атлантического океана.

Большинство рыбацких яхт пришвартованы в прибрежной зоне Холовер Парк: здесь вы запросто найдете судно по душе и отправитесь в открытое море с опытным и знающим гидом. Местные капитаны и их команды с удовольствием поделятся с вами тонкостями лова в Атлантике, научат новичков забрасывать удочку с яхты и удовлетворят запросы опытных рыбаков. Когда ваше приключение подойдет к концу, гид разделает ваш улов.

Глубоководная рыбалка в Майами – это не только масса эмоций и острых ощущений, но и шанс поймать таких шикарных представителей подводного мира, как атлантическая макрель (скумбрия) и любимца Эрнеста Хемингуэя – легендарного марлина. Иногда на крючок попадаются самые настоящие океанские хищники – акулы, – которые с легкостью вызывают прилив адреналина у любого рыбака.

Попробуйте свои силы против морского окуня, который обитает вдоль береговой линии, или отправляйтесь в открытое море за махи-махи или другой пелагической рыбой, такой как желтохвост и кобия. Рыбачьте на тунца, рыбу-парусник, рыбу-молот, групера, голубого тунца, барракуду, и многие другие виды рыб.

Если вы не хотите отъезжать далеко от берега, проверьте, что клюет на мелководье: пермит, альбула, снук, тарпон и красный окунь могут запросто оказаться у вас на борту. Также вы можете попробовать и ночную рыбалку в Майами: подобное приключение по праву оценят знатоки рыбной ловли. Несмотря на то, что всегда сложно угадать, кто именно попадется на крючок, вы можете быть уверены, что без улова вы не останетесь.

Все эти морские жители могут стать настоящими трофеями и гордостью любого рыбака. Рыбалка на Майами не прекращается весь год, хотя пиком считается период с конца осени до начала лета. В зависимости от сезона, на некоторые виды рыб действует ограничение. Просто обратитесь к опытным капитанам, и они посоветуют вам, что лучше всего ловить.

Бескрайние океанские просторы, настоящие приключения в Гольфстриме с опытными рыбаками, палящее солнце и морской ветер – такое путешествие вы запомните навсегда!

Что необходимо знать о рыбалке в Майами

Рыбачить в Майами может как пара рыбаков, так и целые группы. Большинство туров рассчитаны на 4 или 6 человек, однако вы можете найти и огромные яхты для 100 пассажиров. В стоимость почти каждой рыбалки уже будет включена аренда снастей, наживки и всего необходимого оборудования. Пойманный улов вам удастся забрать с собой и отведать в одном из местных ресторанов.

Правила и положения

Charters in Miami generally include everything you need. Licenses are covered if you are fishing from a for-hire vessel – whether it’s a private charter or a party boat. Atlantic Coast seasons and bag limits differ from the rest of the state so be sure to get informed ahead of time.

4.7 / 5
На основе 28556 отзывов клиентов FishingBooker

Майами – сезоны

Прибрежные воды Бискейн-Бея - самое лучшее место для рыбалки в январе, ведь здесь есть тарпон и альбула! Если вас интересуют открытые воды - отправляйтесь за рыбой-парусником.
Февраль - самое лучшее время для рыбалки на альбулу в Майами: белые лисицы обосновались здесь до июня! Вы также можете попробовать свои силы в турнире по ловле рыбы-парусника.
В прибрежных водах активно ловятся альбула и тарпон, а дальше от берега - королевская макрель, тунец и махи-махи.
Тарпон начинает покидать прибрежные воды, отправляясь в сторону севера, но их все еще можно найти вплоть до июня. Махи-махи клюют в открытом море.
Погода постепенно переходит на летнюю, поэтому все стремятся быть ближе к воде. Оцените местные турниры по спортивной рыбалке!
На место тарпона приходит пермит - его можно поймать на мелководье. А вот в открытом море ожидайте бонито, королевскую макрель и тунца.
Пермитов все еще можно найти в прибрежных водах, а вот за рифами и у останков затонувших кораблей можно уловить груперов и королевских макрелей.
В августе - настоящая жара! Отправляться рыбачить лучше всего или рано с утра или поздно вечером.
Рыбалка на альбулу набирает обороты - для нее сейчас наступает самая оптимальная температура воды. Займитесь троллингом или донной рыбалкой.
Махи-махи исследуют прибрежные воды, а вот рыбу-парусника можно найти чуть дальше от берега.
Чуть дальше от берега вы можете поймать рыбу-парусника: отправляйтесь к местным рифам, ведь там вас могут ждать и многие другие виды рыб.
В Бисекейн-Бей можно опять встретить тарпонов, которые возвращаются с севера. Рыбалка сейчас - настоящее удовольствие!

Майами Календарь рыболова

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Рыбалка – Майами – что говорят?

Give yourself longer than half a day. There are many ways to fish (trolling, drifting, anchoring up, flat lining) not all fish are biting at the same time. So you want time to try out everything and catch as many fish as possible. If you can only do a half day, you may not be fully satisfied.
5.0 / 5
Give yourself longer than half a day. There are many ways to fish (trolling, drifting, anchoring up, flat lining) not all fish are biting at the same time. So you want time to try out everything and catch as many fish as possible. If you can only do a half day, you may not be fully satisfied.
Bearcut Bandit Charters
Bearcut Bandit Charters
Do not try and plan in advance, make charter reservations when you get to Miami, weather is very hit or miss.
5.0 / 5
Do not try and plan in advance, make charter reservations when you get to Miami, weather is very hit or miss.
Team DFS Charters
Team DFS Charters
Pack your beer and sunscreen! If you are from out of town and you want to take home your catch, Publix sells dry ice for your cooler. The airlines will let you carryon the cooler with no more than 5 pounds of dry ice.
5.0 / 5
Pack your beer and sunscreen! If you are from out of town and you want to take home your catch, Publix sells dry ice for your cooler. The airlines will let you carryon the cooler with no more than 5 pounds of dry ice.
Bearcut Bandit Charters
Bearcut Bandit Charters
Go to Islamorada April - June for the big stuff. Miami is good, Islamorada is great. Not that far a drive really.
5.0 / 5
Go to Islamorada April - June for the big stuff. Miami is good, Islamorada is great. Not that far a drive really.
Bearcut Bandit Charters
Bearcut Bandit Charters
Just beware a dang cold front and dual thunder/lightening storms in early morning and afternoon. Guide was great and got us on the fish even in those challenging conditions but dang it was some work!
5.0 / 5
Just beware a dang cold front and dual thunder/lightening storms in early morning and afternoon. Guide was great and got us on the fish even in those challenging conditions but dang it was some work!
Stay Fishy Inc.
Stay Fishy Inc.
Get with a real Captain like Captain Chris at Domestic Six Pack Charters. Stay away from the River Rats.
5.0 / 5
Get with a real Captain like Captain Chris at Domestic Six Pack Charters. Stay away from the River Rats.
Domestic Six Pack Charters
Domestic Six Pack Charters Davenport, Florida
I recommend just communicating with the captain and he will accommodate to your requests and will respond promptly to any questions or concerns you may have
5.0 / 5
I recommend just communicating with the captain and he will accommodate to your requests and will respond promptly to any questions or concerns you may have
Bearcut Bandit Charters
Bearcut Bandit Charters
Don't expect to catch what you want. It is fishing. But the experiance is so wonderful and if you are coming from cold country in February it's a plus plus. Sunshine and water you can't go wrong.
5.0 / 5
Don't expect to catch what you want. It is fishing. But the experiance is so wonderful and if you are coming from cold country in February it's a plus plus. Sunshine and water you can't go wrong.
Blue Dream Fishing
Blue Dream Fishing
Be patience on the early morning but experience the surprises you will see.
5.0 / 5
Be patience on the early morning but experience the surprises you will see.
Stay Fishy Inc.
Stay Fishy Inc.
This was our first trip fishing in Miami and Capt Alex made sure we had a great time and caught fish. I highly recommend this trip. I would do it again!
4.7 / 5
This was our first trip fishing in Miami and Capt Alex made sure we had a great time and caught fish. I highly recommend this trip. I would do it again!
Bearcut Bandit Charters
Bearcut Bandit Charters
Be aware weather dictates where a person will fish which may limit types of fish available (even though in season).
5.0 / 5
Be aware weather dictates where a person will fish which may limit types of fish available (even though in season).
Bearcut Bandit Charters
Bearcut Bandit Charters
We went in December with Alek and the weather was great, the wind was high but he found the perfect spot to keep us warm and happy.
5.0 / 5
We went in December with Alek and the weather was great, the wind was high but he found the perfect spot to keep us warm and happy.
Bearcut Bandit Charters
Bearcut Bandit Charters
It’s a great destination for fishing. There’s a lot of variety to catch and you don’t need to travel far from shore. There’s less time traveling and more time fishing.
5.0 / 5
It’s a great destination for fishing. There’s a lot of variety to catch and you don’t need to travel far from shore. There’s less time traveling and more time fishing.
Blue Dream Fishing
Blue Dream Fishing
Yea lots of fish Al thought not too many keepers. You will bring dinner home with a little luck
5.0 / 5
Yea lots of fish Al thought not too many keepers. You will bring dinner home with a little luck
Bearcut Bandit Charters
Bearcut Bandit Charters
Don’t cancel because of wind just find an alternative and enjoy the experience we caught a lot of fish
5.0 / 5
Don’t cancel because of wind just find an alternative and enjoy the experience we caught a lot of fish
Sampei Adventures
Sampei Adventures
We had booked a 4-Hour trip that worked out good for people that haven't really fished before. The people that love fishing should try the 6-hour
5.0 / 5
We had booked a 4-Hour trip that worked out good for people that haven't really fished before. The people that love fishing should try the 6-hour
Bearcut Bandit Charters
Bearcut Bandit Charters
Try and be central located, and recommend night fishing scenery is awesome
5.0 / 5
Try and be central located, and recommend night fishing scenery is awesome
Pelagic Pirate Charters – 26'
Pelagic Pirate Charters – 26'
10/10 experience! the captain explained everything we needed to know and made the trip extra fun
5.0 / 5
10/10 experience! the captain explained everything we needed to know and made the trip extra fun
Sampei Adventures
Sampei Adventures Miami, Florida
Yes. Lots of fish. You just have to reel fast before the sharks eat em off your line
5.0 / 5
Yes. Lots of fish. You just have to reel fast before the sharks eat em off your line
Bearcut Bandit Charters
Bearcut Bandit Charters Buffalo, New York
Peacock like something fast and aggressive tarpon and peacocks like live bait like shiners with 15 lb leader and a small hook
5.0 / 5
Peacock like something fast and aggressive tarpon and peacocks like live bait like shiners with 15 lb leader and a small hook
Stay Fishy Inc.
Stay Fishy Inc. Miami, Florida

How did anglers rate fishing charters in Майами?

Sampei Adventures
Sampei Adventures
Fishing charter in Miami
5.0 / 5
(54 reviews)
Had a great trip with Pepe. Caught 3 fish and a shark. Seas were rough but the captain worked hard to make it all work. Would highly recommend
Shane  L.
Shane L.
Sampei Adventures
Sampei Adventures
Fishing charter in Miami
5.0 / 5
(54 reviews)
Highly recommend Sampei adventures. My family and I had a fantastic time on this half day off shore trip! Very knowledgeable and captain Guiseppe was able to adjust the plan fantastically in order to accommodate us and weather to make sure we still caught fish! Perfect day all around! Would highly recommend!
Emily  D.
Emily D.
Billin Office Fishing Charters
Billin Office Fishing Charters
Fishing charter in Miami
5.0 / 5
(191 reviews)
Couldn't have had a better day! We caught just about every species of fish out there. We all caught and battled big sailfish! Excellent crew were keep very busy keeping all the lines out so we had multiple ways to catch fish! Highly recommend! 👍😁
Bearcut Bandit Charters
Bearcut Bandit Charters
Fishing charter in Miami
5.0 / 5
(79 reviews)
Father/son fishing trip could not have been better! Captain Alex did a great job getting our group on some fish. We pulled in a nice bonito 5 minutes into the trip. He was super accommodating, and definitely knows how to make a trip that has younger kids in the party a memorable experience! Thanks Captain Alex
Alex  G.
Alex G.
Stay Fishy Inc.
Stay Fishy Inc.
Fishing charter in Miami
5.0 / 5
(64 reviews)
Captain Diego is the man! The expectations were far exceeded with an awesome day of catching 12 Peacocks! Can’t wait to come back.
Nick  H.
Nick H.
Bearcut Bandit Charters
Bearcut Bandit Charters
Fishing charter in Miami
5.0 / 5
(79 reviews)
100% recommend booking a charter trip with Alek. Caught some snapper and ate it only hours after Alek filleted it ✔️ We will book with Alek again.
David  T.
David T.
SeaToes Charters - 2019 Contender 32ST
SeaToes Charters - 2019 Contender 32ST
Fishing charter in Miami
5.0 / 5
(9 reviews)
Captain Gabriel gave us an incredible experience fishing for tarpon. He was very friendly and willing to share knowledge with our party and entertain the kids. 10/10
Shane  R.
Shane R.
Blue Dream Fishing
Blue Dream Fishing
Fishing charter in Miami
5.0 / 5
(90 reviews)
Captain Danny and Matt were so hardworking trying many different methods to keep me on fish. They both created such a welcoming atmosphere and it was worth every penny. I caught plenty of fish, enjoyed the sound system as I got to stream my music and even got to relax some in the sun while we were trolling. A perfect day!
Mark  C.
Mark C.
Bearcut Bandit Charters
Bearcut Bandit Charters
Fishing charter in Miami
5.0 / 5
(79 reviews)
We had an awesome day with Alek. Great with kids and patient with novice fishermen. He put us on the fish and helped us keep them coming. Perfect way to see the city from the water, and helped us capture the day perfectly. Book him while you can!
Zachary  S.
Zachary S.
Nomad Fishing Charters
Nomad Fishing Charters
Fishing charter in Miami
5.0 / 5
(56 reviews)
Fished today on a 3/4 with Captain Arturo. 2 Sails and 3 Amberjack, Arturo knows his stuff, a real pro and a pleasure to fish with.
Ken  G.
Ken G.
Sampei Adventures
Sampei Adventures
Fishing charter in Miami
5.0 / 5
(54 reviews)
I've known Pepe for years and he has been providing amazing, top tier hospitality. He's very accommodating and thoughtful and puts you first. I highly recommend this boat trip. A time with Pepe will always be great!
Ashley  N.
Ashley N. United States
Sampei Adventures
Sampei Adventures
Fishing charter in Miami
5.0 / 5
(54 reviews)
We had a great half day trip offshore, even though two of four got sea sick at times. We hooked a shark, a sailfish and king fishes, but they all managed to bite off both the lines and wires on their way to the boat. We got some smalker fish on board that we used as live bite for sharks. Peppe took good care of us and organized everything onboard. His boat was great as well.
Frank  E.
Frank E.
Bearcut Bandit Charters
Bearcut Bandit Charters
Fishing charter in Miami
5.0 / 5
(79 reviews)
My son and I had a great day with Alek. We have been on many charters and this was top notch. My son said it was the best one yet. Non stop action and Alek is a great guide. Lots of fun and loads of fish. Look no further.
Evan  M.
Evan M.
Blue Dream Fishing
Blue Dream Fishing
Fishing charter in Miami
5.0 / 5
(90 reviews)
Capt Danny and Manny were well prepared for a great day out on the water. Both worked hard to get us hooked up with a variety of fish.
Peter  S.
Peter S.
Bearcut Bandit Charters
Bearcut Bandit Charters
Fishing charter in Miami
5.0 / 5
(79 reviews)
We had a great time with Alek. It was my son’s first deep sea trip and he didn’t disappoint. He worked so fast that we always had lines in the water. He let my son do tasks on the boat which he loves. As soon as we got off the boat he said he’s going to move and become his first mate! Highly recommend Alek!
Jon  W.
Jon W.
Bearcut Bandit Charters
Bearcut Bandit Charters
Fishing charter in Miami
5.0 / 5
(79 reviews)
Alec is an exceptional person. Very friendly, skilled and knowledgeable. He went above and beyond to make sure we were satisfied with the fishing experience. I would use him again in a heartbeat. Bravo!
Stefan  M.
Stefan M.
Sampei Adventures
Sampei Adventures
Fishing charter in Miami
5.0 / 5
(54 reviews)
Bellissima esperienza con sampei!! Pesca la mattina poi barbecue sull’ isola Cinque stelle Ottimk
Leo  C.
Leo C. Miami, Florida
Miami Sailfish Charter – 35' T Open Fisherman
Miami Sailfish Charter – 35' T Open Fisherman
Fishing charter in Miami
5.0 / 5
(80 reviews)
Great Capt and crew thanks Al!!!… had a great day on Easter got us on the fish quick…
Jack  N.
Jack N.
Nomad Fishing Charters
Nomad Fishing Charters
Fishing charter in Miami
5.0 / 5
(56 reviews)
Loved every minute of this trip. Great capt. With refreshingly fun attitude. We caught monster shark and tons of fish. This went in as one of the best fishing days of my life. Fking epic. Do not hesitate.
Andrew  E.
Andrew E.
Hot Shot Charters
Hot Shot Charters
Fishing charter in Miami
5.0 / 5
(191 reviews)
Capt. Zig and his first mate put us on the fish. Changed leaders, and spread set up to try and get bites anytime the bite felt like it was going cold. It’s nice only going out a few miles to be in trolling depth. We will use him again on our next trip.
Eric  B.
Eric B.

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Самые популырные виды рыб – Майами

Рыбалка рядом