Рыбалка - Флорида

Мы нашли самые интересные предложения из 2837 туров в Флорида -–введите свои даты и посмотрите

Топ Флорида направлений

Флорида: 2837 туров доступно
5.0 / 5
(80 reviews)
5.0 / 5
(160 reviews)
4.9 / 5
(73 reviews)
4.9 / 5
(312 reviews)
5.0 / 5
(96 reviews)
5.0 / 5
(53 reviews)
4.7 / 5
(44 reviews)
4.8 / 5
(197 reviews)
5.0 / 5
(84 reviews)

Frequently Asked Questions about Fishing Charters in Florida

According to customer reviews, some of the most popular fishing charters in Florida are: Full list of top fishing charters in Florida

The average price for a private 4 hour Florida fishing trip is US $623, while an 8 hour private trip will cost you US $1,176 based on prices on FishingBooker.com.

Fishing charters in Florida that received great reviews from families are:

The top 3 fish species targeted on guided fishing trips in Florida are:

The top 3 fishing techniques in Florida are:

The top 3 types of fishing in Florida are:

Many fishing charters in Florida provide rods, reels and tackle. Some of the top rated are:

According to customer reviews on FishingBooker.com, some of the best rated charter captains in Florida are:

Who are the top awarded captains in Florida?

Some of the fishing trips offered by fishing charters in Florida are:
  • 2-hour fishing trips – US $335
  • 3-hour fishing trips – US $406
  • 4-hour fishing trips – US $539
  • 5-hour fishing trips – US $613
  • 6-hour fishing trips – US $785
  • 7-hour fishing trips – US $650
  • 8-hour fishing trips – US $1,041

Fishing in Флорида

Рыбалка во Флориде – мечта многих энтузиастов со всего света. Здесь собраны лучшие экземпляры Атлантического океана и настоящие сокровища Мексиканского залива. И это не говоря о пресноводных жителях местных озер и каналов!

Где рыбачить во Флориде? Везде! Более миллиона людей посещают эту солнечную часть Северной Америки каждый год, и каждого привлекает что-то свое. В “Штате Солнечного Света” есть все, что душе угодно: мелководье и глубоководные желобы, каналы, озера, останки затонувших кораблей, рифы, мангровые заросли… Флориде принадлежат более 900 рекордов IGFA – и вполне заслужено!

Одни из самых крупных и старейших турниров по рыбалке проводятся именно во Флориде. Здесь есть все, от соревнований по нахлыстовой рыбалке до боуфишинга, от ловли рыбы-меча до сомов. Однако если вы думаете, что рыбачить во Флориде можно только искушенному профессионалу, вы будете приятно удивлены.

Рыбачить во Флориде можно всей семьей: местные гиды и капитаны с удовольствием познакомят ваших детей с искусством рыбалки, а также покажут вам самые “рыбные места” Флориды.


Рыбалка в Дестине не нуждается в особом представлении. “Самая удачливая рыбацкая деревня мира” приютила большинство рыбацких судов со всей Флориды. Здесь вам удастся насладиться Изумрудным берегом во всей его красе и отправиться покорять открытый океан.

Бесконечные рифы Мексиканского залива – идеальное место для поиска ужина, а вот голубые просторы дальше от берега полны морских сокровищ покрупнее. На что рыбачить в Дестине? На все, что клюет: снэппер, групер, амберджек, рыба-парусник, марлин, тунец и далее до бесконечности.


Рыбалка в заливе Тампа – мечта любителя прибрежных вод. Местные красавцы типа красных горбылей, снуков и пятнистых горбылей можно достать вообще в любой день года, а вот тарпоны приходят сюда лишь на летние каникулы. Однако привлекательны в Тампе не только прибрежные воды: рифы в открытом море богаты снэпперами и груперами.


Не оставьте без внимания и рыбалку на мелководьях Форт-Майерса и Кейп-Корала, что к югу от Тампы. Ловятся здесь то самое популярное трио: красные и пятнистые горбыли и снуки. Едва ли найдется место привлекательнее для рыбалки на ялике (или скифе), чем бесконечные воды у Санибела, Пайн-Айленда и реки Калусахатчи.

Считается также, что в соседнем Бока-Гранде – лучшая рыбалка на тарпона.


Рыбалка на Флорида-Кис не обещает самого богатого улова в мире, но полюбоваться на цепь коралловых островов и рифов все же стоит. Этот архипелаг разделяет Мексиканский залив и Атлантический океан, открывая доступ к обоим. На Флорида-Кис можно уловить “большой шлем” прибрежных рыб: альбулу, пермита, снука и тарпона.

В соседних Эверглейдс вас ждет единственный живой риф во всей континентальной части Северной Америки – Большой Флоридский Риф. А вот рыбалка на океане позволит поймать огромных марлинов, рыбу-парусника и любимицу Хемингуэя – рыбу-меч.

Майами и Форт-Лодердейл

Оставив в стороне роскошную ночную жизнь и развлечения, Майами и Форт-Лодердейлу есть что предложить любителям глубоководной рыбалки. Местная “аллея рыб-парусников” каждую зиму встречает около сотни этих знаменитых морских хищников прямо у пляжей. А если вам и этого недостаточно, то отправляйтесь за рыбой-мечом: именно в Майами и Форт-Лодердейле специализируются на дневных и ночных турах за этим сокровищем.


Если вам трудно отказаться от рыбалки на королевскую макрель, то смело отправляйтесь в Джексонвилл: здесь отличная трофейная рыбалка. А если вы продолжите путь до Гольфстрима, то сможете пополнить список улова марлинами, рыбой-парусником и атлантическим тунцом. А прокатившись вдоль Берегового канала, вы сможете встретиться с красным горбылем, камбалой и многими другими видами рыб. Кстати, не пропустите шанс поймать весеннюю кобию или поохотиться на тарпона летом!

Озеро Окичоби

Пресноводная рыбалка во Флориде обещает такие потрясающие экземпляры, как краппи, пятнистый басс-павлин и большеротый басс. Рыбалка на озере Окичоби, как и на многих местных каналах, не оставит вас без улова. Кстати, Уэст-Палм-Бич на восточном побережье штата известен такой экзотикой, как змееголов и рыба индийский нож.

Полезная информация о рыбалке во Флориде

Самое приятное, что в большинстве случаев вам не придется беспокоиться о снастях и покупке лицензии на морскую рыбалку – об этом позаботиться ваш капитан. А вот для пресноводного тура лицензию надо будет приобретать самим.

На некоторые виды рыб можно охотиться лишь в определенный сезон, который варьируется в зависимости от того, рыбачите ли вы в океане или Мексиканском заливе, федеральных или водах штата. Сезон красного луциана (снэппера) обычно открывается в июне, а вот поохотиться за амберджеком в Мексиканском заливе не получится до августа.

Правила и положения

You don’t need to buy a license on a Florida saltwater fishing charter, although you will need to pick one up for freshwater fishing. Many species have strict closed seasons which can change year on year so get informed on these before wetting a line.

4.8 / 5
На основе 28586 отзывов клиентов FishingBooker

Флорида – сезоны

Встретить Новый год можно в Флорида-Кис, где вам удастся порыбачить на мелководье. Не оставьте без внимания и прибрежные воды!
Если вам посчастливилось оказаться в Айламораде в феврале, не упустите свой шанс поохотиться на рыбу-парусник и многие другие виды рыб.
Кобия начинает появляться на Атлантическом побережье, начиная с Форт-Лодердейла в середине месяца. А вот на юге Флориды клюют марлины!
Отправляйтесь в Кейп-Корал за тарпоном или рыбачьте на кобию вдоль Атлантического побережья.
Май - сезон серьезных рыболовных соревнований и турниров. А если вы хотите насладиться рыбалкой на тарпона, она ждет вас в Бока-Гранде.
Сезон красного луциана (снэппера) в самом разгаре! Поймате своего собственного снэппера или исследуйте воды Джексонвиля - там сейчас клюет кобия.
Любители рыбалки в нахлыст смогут насладиться местным турниром в Ки-Уэст, а вот охотникам на тарпона стоит отправиться в Тампа-Бей.
В такой жаркий месяц лучше всего проводить свои дни на воде, особенно охотясь за тарпоном, камбалой или амберджеком в открытом море.
С сентября можно рыбачить на снука! К тому же, королевский макрель начинает появляться в Джексонвиле.
Оцените знаменитое рыболовное родео в Дестине - сюда прибудут тысячи рыбаков со всей страны. Или же отправляйтесь за голубым тунцом на Флорида-Кис.
Если вам захотелось познакомиться с пресноводной рыбалкой, ноябрь - самое время!
Юго-восточная часть Флориды занята рыбалкой на рыбу-парусника, особенно учитывая то, что в декабре здесь проводится и специальный турнир.

Флорида Календарь рыболова

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Рыбалка – Флорида – что говорят?

Just enjoy every part of the experience not just catching fish! Soooo much to soak in and enjoy out there!
5.0 / 5
Just enjoy every part of the experience not just catching fish! Soooo much to soak in and enjoy out there!
Captain Sandy
Captain Sandy
Listen to them they know what they are talking about. Even if you have been fishing before, just listen to them and you will catch more fish.
5.0 / 5
Listen to them they know what they are talking about. Even if you have been fishing before, just listen to them and you will catch more fish.
Angling With Adria Charters, LLC - 31'
Angling With Adria Charters, LLC - 31'
It’s hard at this time of the year with the water temperature and the coldness coming in
5.0 / 5
It’s hard at this time of the year with the water temperature and the coldness coming in
Native Fishing Charters
Native Fishing Charters
Any anglers wanting to charter a fishing excursion should definitely check out CASTOUTFISHINGCHARTERS. They will treat you right
5.0 / 5
Any anglers wanting to charter a fishing excursion should definitely check out CASTOUTFISHINGCHARTERS. They will treat you right
CastOutFishingCharters- 235 Reviews
CastOutFishingCharters- 235 Reviews
Let the captain be your guide. They probably know better than you what’s going to work the best.
5.0 / 5
Let the captain be your guide. They probably know better than you what’s going to work the best.
All Caught Up Fishing Charters
All Caught Up Fishing Charters
Hat a captain that is as enthusiastic as his clients. To catch and stay on fish
Very good
4.0 / 5
Hat a captain that is as enthusiastic as his clients. To catch and stay on fish
La Costa Charters
La Costa Charters
Be prepared with multiple layers as the wind chill can be very cold. From 50 degrees to 76 degrees in hours.
5.0 / 5
Be prepared with multiple layers as the wind chill can be very cold. From 50 degrees to 76 degrees in hours.
Apalachicola's Legacy Charters
Apalachicola's Legacy Charters
April is windy so be ready for some lumpy days and even weather cancellations
5.0 / 5
April is windy so be ready for some lumpy days and even weather cancellations
Fishing Kings
Fishing Kings
We had a lot of reeled in fish and hits but can't speak to how it compares to other months. The captain did a good job putting us where we wanted to be.
5.0 / 5
We had a lot of reeled in fish and hits but can't speak to how it compares to other months. The captain did a good job putting us where we wanted to be.
Florida Professional Charters
Florida Professional Charters
Yes great back bay fishing captain new way around the bay and where the fish were we used all the bait
5.0 / 5
Yes great back bay fishing captain new way around the bay and where the fish were we used all the bait
Florida Excursions
Florida Excursions
We have fished on a charter from Stock Island before and had great catches. We like the marina here.
4.3 / 5
We have fished on a charter from Stock Island before and had great catches. We like the marina here.
Cowboy Cowgirl Sportfishing – Cowgirl II
Cowboy Cowgirl Sportfishing – Cowgirl II
Awesome trip, would highly recommend it to anyone, even younger kids. Nice way to experience Florida freshwater!
5.0 / 5
Awesome trip, would highly recommend it to anyone, even younger kids. Nice way to experience Florida freshwater!
South Florida Fishing Guides
South Florida Fishing Guides
Your trip is only as good as your captain! Captain Mike Sharpe, Is Knowledgeable and fun. Highly recommend his charters!
5.0 / 5
Your trip is only as good as your captain! Captain Mike Sharpe, Is Knowledgeable and fun. Highly recommend his charters!
Big One Charters, LLC
Big One Charters, LLC
Really check out the guides before you commit. We've had some losers. It's kind of hard to do long distance; we are from Montana. On our trip, late April 2024, it was a cooler than normal spring evidently. Luckily, the water temp worked out. April is an awesome month to come out. The weather is great, the water is warm, fishing is like no other.
5.0 / 5
Really check out the guides before you commit. We've had some losers. It's kind of hard to do long distance; we are from Montana. On our trip, late April 2024, it was a cooler than normal spring evidently. Luckily, the water temp worked out. April is an awesome month to come out. The weather is great, the water is warm, fishing is like no other.
Off The Hook – Islamorada
Off The Hook – Islamorada
Easy pick up across from the Gulf Harbor Marina. Free, public parking along Casey Key Road. Leave extra time to find parking as the lots can fill up with beachgoers on the weekends.
5.0 / 5
Easy pick up across from the Gulf Harbor Marina. Free, public parking along Casey Key Road. Leave extra time to find parking as the lots can fill up with beachgoers on the weekends.
Salty Freedom USA
Salty Freedom USA
Yes. He explained more than other guides. He worked hard the whole time and kept everyone busy.
5.0 / 5
Yes. He explained more than other guides. He worked hard the whole time and kept everyone busy.
Too Lethal Charters
Too Lethal Charters
Just make sure to call the captain ahead of time. Find out what species is biting and ask what you should bring along that is not provided
5.0 / 5
Just make sure to call the captain ahead of time. Find out what species is biting and ask what you should bring along that is not provided
Endless Summer Charters
Endless Summer Charters
If you want to catch fish the size of humans, just book it! You won’t regret the decision!
5.0 / 5
If you want to catch fish the size of humans, just book it! You won’t regret the decision!
Flat Bottom Fishing Charters
Flat Bottom Fishing Charters
Find a captain that cares. Be careful of booking thru resorts. We’ve had bad experiences.
5.0 / 5
Find a captain that cares. Be careful of booking thru resorts. We’ve had bad experiences.
Two Trolls Sport Fishing
Two Trolls Sport Fishing
Check with the guide first if your an experienced fisherman. He will know when to come. and not to. We came at a tide event but he still knew where to go for fish I think he could dial in a perfect day if you called ahead and planned around that
5.0 / 5
Check with the guide first if your an experienced fisherman. He will know when to come. and not to. We came at a tide event but he still knew where to go for fish I think he could dial in a perfect day if you called ahead and planned around that
Amelia Family Fishing Charters
Amelia Family Fishing Charters

How did anglers rate fishing charters in Флорида?

Laid Back Fishing Charters
Laid Back Fishing Charters
Fishing charter in Panama City Beach
5.0 / 5
(14 reviews)
Captain Dustin put us on plenty of triggers and snapper. We did a short 3 hour trip but was on a great spot in no time. Not to mention a beautiful day ! Had a great time. Thanks !!
Jeff  G.
Jeff G.
Don't Panic Sport Fishing -  43' Sportfish
Don't Panic Sport Fishing - 43' Sportfish
Fishing charter in Pompano Beach
5.0 / 5
(87 reviews)
Solid trip with the family thanks to the knowledge on the boat from the cap and mate ended up getting a 38” mahi aswell as a smaller mahi and tuna
Jon  G.
Jon G.
One More Charters
One More Charters
Fishing charter in St. Petersburg
5.0 / 5
(80 reviews)
Captain Torin is great! Wanted to make sure we all had a great time and caught fish. We highly recommend booking a trip with him. We will be back for sure!
Greg  W.
Greg W.
Life’s 2 Short
Life’s 2 Short
Fishing charter in Destin
5.0 / 5
(18 reviews)
Captain Alex was excellent! He put my kids to work to catch live bait right off. He got us on fish right away and the live bait my kids caught assisted in landing a 70lb. Cobia. Thank you Captain Alex for an unforgettable day of fishing. We will be back to book another trip!
Bill  C.
Bill C.
Anna Maria Charter Fishing
Anna Maria Charter Fishing
Fishing charter in Bradenton Beach
5.0 / 5
(15 reviews)
Really great trip for me and my family. Captain was attentive to all of our needs and made sure everyone was catching fish. Great time!
Kyle  B.
Kyle B.
Native Fishing Charters
Native Fishing Charters
Fishing charter in Crystal River
5.0 / 5
(35 reviews)
Captain Bobby is very professional. The boat is clean .he is on top of all the equipment. he’s on top of the clients to make sure that they know what to do and how to do it . he helps you . amazing guy.. He doesn’t stop different techniques of fishing until you catch something. He goes around the world to catch fish. he cleans all the fish, but he doesn’t cook it for lunch.. 🏆 LOL
Larry  O.
Larry O.
Chasin' Dreams Charters
Chasin' Dreams Charters
Fishing charter in Port St. Joe
5.0 / 5
(66 reviews)
He was knowledgeable, helpful and worked very hard to take care of us and put us on fish. Caught a lot of fish but many were too small or out of season. Still we wanted to catch fish and we did and we got plenty for several dinners. Good man
Barry  J.
Barry J.
Hooked4life Fishing Charters
Hooked4life Fishing Charters
Fishing charter in Cape Coral
5.0 / 5
(93 reviews)
Capt. Andy was awesome, he had us on fish all day. Also was very patient with the inexperienced fishermen in our group and made sure everyone had a good time. Recommend highly!
Frank  S.
Frank S.
Live Action Sportfishing 2
Live Action Sportfishing 2
Fishing charter in Stock Island
5.0 / 5
(117 reviews)
Our guide called us 2 days before our trip to check in and ask what type of fish we’d like to catch. He knew exactly the places to go.
Don  P.
Don P.
30A Shallow Water Guide Service
30A Shallow Water Guide Service
Fishing charter in Santa Rosa Beach
5.0 / 5
(133 reviews)
Ryan did an amazing job . We were on the fish 10 minutes after we leaving the dock . Was great all day and very knowledgeable. Great personality and caught a ton of red fish . Would definitely book with him again !!!
Mark  H.
Mark H.
Home Again Old Florida Adventures
Home Again Old Florida Adventures
Fishing charter in Longboat Key
5.0 / 5
(98 reviews)
It was our daughters first trip! Capt Atkins was wonderful in explaining everything to her. Offering suggestions and showing her how to do it. My daughter brought in 2 keeper trout and my husband bought in a trophy trout at 22inches!!! It will be hard to top this trip but we will be back next spring for another trip with Capt. Atkins
Roy  W.
Roy W.
Captain Chris's Fishing Adventures
Captain Chris's Fishing Adventures
Fishing charter in Belleair Bluffs
5.0 / 5
(178 reviews)
Captain Chris and Steve were amazing! They were very knowledgeable and kind. They got us on the fish and we had the best experience. Highly recommend them, especially for people with kids! They made my son’s birthday one he will remember forever.
Nicole  V.
Nicole V.
Gulf Coast Charter Service
Gulf Coast Charter Service
Fishing charter in Fort Myers
5.0 / 5
(254 reviews)
I would recommend this trip to anyone of any skill level. Capitan Fabian was a great guide, fun and knowledgeable. We had a blast!
Audrey  M.
Audrey M.
King Slayer Charters LLC.
King Slayer Charters LLC.
Fishing charter in Panama City
4.3 / 5
(99 reviews)
Capt Jon Jon and his first mate did a great job at putting myself on some heavy Amberjack fish! Very friendly crew. Can’t wait to go back
Troy  M.
Troy M.
Captain Drew's Guide Service
Captain Drew's Guide Service
Fishing charter in Tavares
5.0 / 5
(17 reviews)
Captain Drew knows where the fish are and makes an exceptional effort to assure that everyone in the boat is catching and having a memorable experience.
Eric  C.
Eric C.
Captain Sandy
Captain Sandy
Fishing charter in St. James City
5.0 / 5
(40 reviews)
The best part was trying to real the catch in as fast as you can because a dolphin was trying to steal it from me!!!!! We did about 4 different types of fishing and all were fun but trout fishing was the best! We normally do backwater mangrove fishing which is cool to but this was great to try something new!!!!
Kathleen  H.
Kathleen H.
J&F eXcursions - 26
J&F eXcursions - 26
Fishing charter in Islamorada
5.0 / 5
(161 reviews)
Capt. Joe is a pro and on the fish no problems. Great time and I'll be back for sure
Paul  G.
Paul G.
MisStress Sportfishing Charters
MisStress Sportfishing Charters
Fishing charter in St. Augustine
5.0 / 5
(379 reviews)
Guy and first mate Liam are fantastic and put us on fish. Very friendly and knowledgeable. Thanks!
Sherry  G.
Sherry G.
TNT Freedom Fishing Charters – Siesta Key
TNT Freedom Fishing Charters – Siesta Key
Fishing charter in Sarasota
5.0 / 5
(393 reviews)
The fish didn't want to cooperate but Captain Tony made the right moves to get us on some fish. Good conversation and the Boat was well equipped with everything we needed. If he wasn't booked for the rest of our time here we'd definitely book again!
Gregg  H.
Gregg H.
Knot Right
Knot Right
Fishing charter in Panama City Beach
5.0 / 5
(17 reviews)
We are a family of 7 and we have never been on a charter before. I'm extremely grateful to have chosen this charter as it was a blast! They are very knowledgeable and made the experience worth doing. We will definitely be booking.again on our next trip here!
Timothy  M.
Timothy M.

Самые популярные виды рыбалки – Флорида

Самые популярные техники рыбалки – Флорида

Самые популырные виды рыб – Флорида