Лос-Кабос Синий марлин (атлантический) Рыбалка Рыбалка

Лос-Кабос Синий марлин (атлантический) Рыбалка Рыбалка

Топ направления для рыбалки – Лос-Кабос Синий марлин (атлантический)

Лучшая Синий марлин (атлантический) рыбалка – Лос-Кабос

Лос-Кабос: 125 туров доступно
4.9 / 5
(657 reviews)
4.5 / 5
(70 reviews)
4.8 / 5
(503 reviews)
4.8 / 5
(28 reviews)

Синий марлин (атлантический) Рыбалка – Лос-Кабос

Синий марлин (атлантический)
  • Размер 200 to 400lbs
  • Пищевая ценность Хорошо
  • Игровые качества Отлично
  • Местообитания Offshore

(Makaira nigricans)

Насладиться рыбалкой на марлина в Лос-Кабос может каждый желающий. Даже если вы еще не успели познакомиться со спортивной рыбалкой – не упустите свой шанс поймать самый настоящий трофей в «Мировой столице марлинов».

Признанный одним из лучших мест в мире по спортивной и любительской рыбалке, Лос-Кабос вас точно не разочарует. Именно здесь расположен Кабо-Сан-Лукас – настоящая «Мекка» рыбалки. Поймать здесь марлина проще, чем в любом другом месте на всей планете!

Где и как рыбачить на марлина?

Рыболовный бум Лос-Кабоса начался более полувека назад, когда рыбаки всех мастей со всех точек земного шара приезжали сюда исследовать богатейшие воды моря Кортеса и Тихого океана. Лучшие места для ловли марлина в Лос-Кабосе (как и во всей Мексике и практически во всем мире) находятся в Кабо-Сан-Лукасе. История многих выдающихся рыбаков началась именно здесь: это место расположилось на побережье Калифорнийского залива и породило много мировых рекордов поимки трофеев. Посудите сами: марлинов здесь ловят тысячами!

В Кабо стоит ожидать голубого и полосатого марлинов, однако черные марлины также нередко оказываются на другом конце крючка. Эти желанные трофеи любой океанической рыбалки с удовольствием вступят с вами в схватку и без боя не сдадутся: вам придется потратить немало сил и времени, чтобы достать марлина на борт.

Для поимки марлинов в Кабо, как и во многих других местах по всему свету, используют троллинг – ловлю дорожкой. Вы сможете понаблюдать, как ваша команда распустит за кормой несколько спиннингов с блеснами или кусками свежепойманной рыбы. Как правило, все необходимое оборудование будет доступно на борту, а его использование будет включено в стоимость вашего рыболовного тура. Вам необходимо будет взять с собой запас хорошего настроения и энтузиазма и приготовиться к незабываемым приключениям!

Как только марлин попадется на крючок, он, как ловкий соперник, будет высоко выпрыгивать из воды и резко уходить обратно в воду. Вы сможете испытать как прочность лесы, так и ваши собственные силы! Марлины могут развить скорость до 130 км/ч, а если они еще и гигантских размеров, то, вполне возможно, могут запросто победить!

Когда ловить марлина?

Несмотря на то, что рыбачить в Лос-Кабос можно круглый год, синие и черные марлины клюют с июня по декабрь. Если вы запланировали свой отдых на другое время года, не отчаивайтесь: вас ждут полосатые марлины, в том числе и трофеи.

Лос-Кабос Синий марлин (атлантический) – сезоны

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Синий марлин (атлантический) fishing in Лос-Кабос varies moderately throughout the year. High season is July to October. Low season is February to March. There is no closed season.
4.3 / 5
На основе 28,586 отзывов клиентов FishingBooker

Синий марлин (атлантический) Рыбалка – Los Cabos – что говорят?

It is best to book an 8hour trip, if possible, to have more time to catch in case its a little slow. You can always go in early...but had we only been on a short trip, we would not have time to catch that 2nd marlin. Sometimes fishing is great but I think it was a bit slow because of the weather, but it was a great time!
5.0 / 5
It is best to book an 8hour trip, if possible, to have more time to catch in case its a little slow. You can always go in early...but had we only been on a short trip, we would not have time to catch that 2nd marlin. Sometimes fishing is great but I think it was a bit slow because of the weather, but it was a great time!
Cabo Sportfishing Crew – Reel Tequila
Cabo Sportfishing Crew – Reel Tequila
The weather was great in April but it is not peak season for marlin! Look for the great reviewed crew, it is better to get a crew that know rather than a fancy boat!
5.0 / 5
The weather was great in April but it is not peak season for marlin! Look for the great reviewed crew, it is better to get a crew that know rather than a fancy boat!
El Budster Pride
El Budster Pride
Weather, water and temperature was perfect! We caught 3 marlin and another fish between two of us. It was perfect!
5.0 / 5
Weather, water and temperature was perfect! We caught 3 marlin and another fish between two of us. It was perfect!
Black Marlin Sportfishing
Black Marlin Sportfishing
Be clear about the kind of day you want - make the day yours! We wanted flexibility and to expose our son to a day of fishing without making him stay out all day. We booked a full day trip, which was only a little more than 1/2 fay so we could have flexibility.
5.0 / 5
Be clear about the kind of day you want - make the day yours! We wanted flexibility and to expose our son to a day of fishing without making him stay out all day. We booked a full day trip, which was only a little more than 1/2 fay so we could have flexibility.
Cabo Sportfishing Crew – Blue Tail II
Cabo Sportfishing Crew – Blue Tail II
Yes. Fun fishing inshore.We did not catch any Mahi Mahi but when water is warmer, I am sure it is really great.
5.0 / 5
Yes. Fun fishing inshore.We did not catch any Mahi Mahi but when water is warmer, I am sure it is really great.
Capricho Sport Fishing
Capricho Sport Fishing
Schedule with the Black Marlin!! Great crew and dedication to get you some fish!
5.0 / 5
Schedule with the Black Marlin!! Great crew and dedication to get you some fish!
Black Marlin Sportfishing
Black Marlin Sportfishing
I recommend a package that is inclusive. Don't forget a hat and sunblock. Bring nausea pills just in case.
5.0 / 5
I recommend a package that is inclusive. Don't forget a hat and sunblock. Bring nausea pills just in case.
Wahoo 33'
Wahoo 33'
Lots of sunscreen. Enjoy all aspects of the trip, the whales, turtles, jellyfish. It’s really an amazing place.
4.3 / 5
Lots of sunscreen. Enjoy all aspects of the trip, the whales, turtles, jellyfish. It’s really an amazing place.
Daliken Sportfishing
Daliken Sportfishing
Get a cooler and make sure you fishing guide gets your license and gives it to you like ours did.
5.0 / 5
Get a cooler and make sure you fishing guide gets your license and gives it to you like ours did.
Black Marlin Sportfishing
Black Marlin Sportfishing
Booking in Cabo is NOT like the States. Everything is extra and your “captain” is actually a pimp for the crew who, I fear, are only working for tips.
4.3 / 5
Booking in Cabo is NOT like the States. Everything is extra and your “captain” is actually a pimp for the crew who, I fear, are only working for tips.
BlueSea sportfishing
BlueSea sportfishing
Wonderful experience. Whale watching and fishing from the boat was a bonus. Truly a wonderful experience. you won't regret giving these guys a chance to teach you,
5.0 / 5
Wonderful experience. Whale watching and fishing from the boat was a bonus. Truly a wonderful experience. you won't regret giving these guys a chance to teach you,
Spearfishing Brothers
Spearfishing Brothers
Don’t go thinking you will catch lots of fish. It’s fishing. Some days good some days bad. Just go in and hope the fish work with you. Captain will put on miles if needed.
4.7 / 5
Don’t go thinking you will catch lots of fish. It’s fishing. Some days good some days bad. Just go in and hope the fish work with you. Captain will put on miles if needed.
Cabo Sportfishing Crew - El Pargo
Cabo Sportfishing Crew - El Pargo
I was hoping for Wahoo since it's been 25 years since my last one. We tried but it just didn't happen although we gave it a serious effort.
5.0 / 5
I was hoping for Wahoo since it's been 25 years since my last one. We tried but it just didn't happen although we gave it a serious effort.
Cabo Mahi Mahi – 23' Panga
Cabo Mahi Mahi – 23' Panga
Arrive early as parking can be a challenge. Licenses can be purchased at the market on the pier. Wish someone had told us where to go to get them.
5.0 / 5
Arrive early as parking can be a challenge. Licenses can be purchased at the market on the pier. Wish someone had told us where to go to get them.
Cabo Mahi Mahi – Samantha
Cabo Mahi Mahi – Samantha
Bring extra cash for licenses for each angler and bait for the boat. That is not listed on the site as not included. Also, suggest bringing toilet paper for use of the head on the boat and the use of the restrooms at the marina. That is an unpleasant surprise.
Very good
4.0 / 5
Bring extra cash for licenses for each angler and bait for the boat. That is not listed on the site as not included. Also, suggest bringing toilet paper for use of the head on the boat and the use of the restrooms at the marina. That is an unpleasant surprise.
Captain Pollo
Captain Pollo
Nice weather. Not too hot, yet. Been on boats in July and got fried and sea sick. This boat is luxury. Spend the extra you won’t regret it.
5.0 / 5
Nice weather. Not too hot, yet. Been on boats in July and got fried and sea sick. This boat is luxury. Spend the extra you won’t regret it.
Blue Sky Cabo – 43’ Riviere
Blue Sky Cabo – 43’ Riviere
Be ready to listen and follow Carlos expert advice and you will significantly improve your catch rate.
5.0 / 5
Be ready to listen and follow Carlos expert advice and you will significantly improve your catch rate.
Sufishiente Sportfishing
Sufishiente Sportfishing
February seems to a tough time of year, per Google lol. But, there are fish. Plus the whales are everywhere.
5.0 / 5
February seems to a tough time of year, per Google lol. But, there are fish. Plus the whales are everywhere.
Rosa Del Mar II
Rosa Del Mar II
Do your research. We used reviews to pick this boat. Speed & size matter. Def use fishingbooker when in cabo otherwise you will be bombarded at the Marina by vendors.
5.0 / 5
Do your research. We used reviews to pick this boat. Speed & size matter. Def use fishingbooker when in cabo otherwise you will be bombarded at the Marina by vendors.
Fin Chaser Sportfishing – “Fin Chaser”
Fin Chaser Sportfishing – “Fin Chaser”
Absolutely. We were a party of three with two first timers. So glad they caught the best fish too. The boat is a perfect set. Loved it all!!
5.0 / 5
Absolutely. We were a party of three with two first timers. So glad they caught the best fish too. The boat is a perfect set. Loved it all!!
Salty Dog Fishing Adventures
Salty Dog Fishing Adventures

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